Creepypasta High!

127 4 17

Slender: Are you all ready?


Slender: Cuz child

Jeff: Cuz why?

Slender: You guys are lazy and don't do anything :/

Zinny: IM NOT LAZY BITCH!! *glares*

Slender: Ik dat SOME of you guys aren't but you guys are in charge of the lazy people c:

Jeff: IM NOT LAZY -.-

Zinny: U sure bout dat? <.<

Jeff: *glares*

Slender: *Teleports us to school*

Me: Shiiit.....shit....shit....

Slender: *hands us our school schedules* Here, these are the classes you will all be taking!

Drake: Fuck you, Slendy! *Flips him off*

Slender: I'm a teacher here so you will be going to detention!

Drake: *stays quiet*

Masky: Welp i got cooking class! SWEET!! What do u have, babe? *Wraps arms around Julie*

Julie: SAME :D

Masky: YAAY :D *kisses her nose*

Hoodie: SAVE IT FOR LATER, YOU TWO! *rolls eyes*

Jeff: Ugh If i have Slendy in my classes *looks at schedule* imma be lazy in dat class! -.-

Ben: Yaay! I got computers! :D

Me: Aw fuck i got Physical Education! -.-

Zinny: P.e?

Me: *nods* Uggggh!!

Mimi: Yaay, I got computers too! :D *hugz Ben*

Ben: Yay :D *hugz back*

Zinny: *nudges shoulder* Eh?

Me: *rolls eyes* Whatever!

Chami: Welp we should be going to class! See u guys at lunch!

Everybody: Yeah! See ya! *Goes to class*

Kiki: *goes to homeroom with Slendy*

Slender: Ah you got my class, child! :3 Take a seat wherever you'd like! ^-^

Kiki: *nods and sits next to Drake*

~Meanwhile with Ben and Mimi~

Ben: *hacks computer*

Mimi: *chuckles*

Shadow: BEN! *groans*

Ben: *grins*

~We all had a lazy ass day at School and finally the day was over~

~At le mansion~

Me: FINALLY worst day ever!! *Groans*

Jeff: Alot of girls were flirting with me like Bitch, ik im sexy but im taken sluts!

Zinny: None of the guys were even cute :/

Mimi: It was fun for my first day since i get to spend some time with Ben! <3

Everyone except Mimi: *glances at him den at her*

Mimi: Also you guys! *Laughs nervously*

Me: It sucked, Alot of dudes were checking me out >.>

Ben: *twitches* A-alot?


Ben: *tackles her*

Zinny: *socks him in the groin*

Ben: *yelps* MAH DICK DX

Me & Zinny: *laughs*

~ aѕĸ υѕ, мoғoѕ! ~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now