- scarlet -

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Me: Yay! We have a new person here to join us! :D

Jeff: *rolls eyes* Fuck!

Sally: *slaps him*

Jeff: Damn Sally! That hurted. ;-;

Sally: >:3 hehe

L.j: Who is it? Ahahaha!

Me: Everyone, Meet Scarlet! :D

Scarlet: Hai! ^-^

Ben: Hey Scarlet! :D yay you came!

Jeff: Oh boy, not another one! -_-

Sally: *slaps him again*

Jeff: *rubs cheek* ;-;

Scarlet: Hello everyone! :3

Toby: Scarlet! :D you came! *runs up to her and kisses cheek*

Everyone: *Oooohhs and Aaaahhs*

Me: -_- *faceplam* Well, Hope you liked this chapter, Scarlet! :3 Sorry it was short but maybe the next one will be longer! C:

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