Chapter 1: It's Time They Knew

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     A/N: Okay! So, if all goes well, updates will be consistent now. I plan on posting new chapters every Friday. Assuming all goes well. Although, there will be some days where I will be on vacation and cannot(/will not) update. Those days will be: June 26-July 1, July 5-8, and July 22-29. I may add dates, or they may change. We'll see! While I'm gone, I'll probably be writing with good ol' fashioned pen and paper, so updates will (hopefully) be posted soon after I come back. The cover art is mine, btw! It was colored by starlightglimmerspak (and I am eternally grateful. You did amazing!).

     I hope you all enjoy the sequel! After about... I dunno, 2 months of waiting? It's here! Happy reading, guys, and thanks so much for staying around for so long! 😁

     "Y/N, I think it's time to go back inside," Freddy said in a low voice.

     I looked up at him with a confused look on my face. "What? Why? It's not even that late."

     "The temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit! I'm surprised you haven't asked for me to take you in by now," he replied, making his concern clear (though I thought it was a silly one).

     My shoulders drooped and I scooched over so I was sitting away from him. I tilted my head and said, "I don't think it's that cold."

     But at that moment a gust of cool wind blew from behind, causing me to shiver (real convenient, right?). I wasn't ready to give up though, and I was about to tell him that when he stated, "I will not be taking no for an answer, Superstar."

     I loved it when he called me that. And I think he knew it... He could call me his superstar and end up getting me to do anything. I wasn't going to go down without a fight, of course. Not if it meant sending a bit more alone time with him. Just as I began shaking my head, he picked me up like a prince would a princess and began walking to the stairs.

     I giggled in response, but quickly covered it up with a groan, "Freddyyy! I can walk on my own."

     "Ah, but that's the thing. Would you?" he continued, "And besides, I have to admit I quite like carrying you. You're so small and delicate."

     "Hey!" I laughed, "I'm not delicate!"

     He smiled, "Yes, you are. There is no denying it, anyone would agree."

     As much as I wanted to continue our conversation, the open door had caused some cold air to enter, so I was chilly; and Freddy radiated warmth. I snuggled in and smiled.

     This is so... perfect. So, wonderfully perfect.

     Freddy and I had "gotten together" two weeks earlier, and every night since then we would go to the roof to look at the stars. Those nights were the best in my life by far. Sometimes we would stay out so late that I would fall asleep, and Freddy would have to take me inside. I always woke up in Parts and Service, and Gregory was usually in one of the green rooms.

     So far, it seemed Gregory's favorite place to sleep was either Foxy's or Freddy's rooms. Foxy acted like the big brother Gregory never had, and Freddy acted like, well... the father he never had. I couldn't help grinning at the thought. It was almost like... like we were a family. Every time I thought about it, I was filled with a giddiness that I'd only felt on the night Freddy had first told me he loved me, atop the Pizzaplex roof beneath the stars.

     As we approached the bottom of the stairs, Freddy had to put me down. As much as I kind of still wanted to be held, it would've been hard for him to open the door... it didn't keep me from holding his hand, though.

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