Chapter 11: Family Meeting

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     A/N: D/N stands for "dad's name".

     My back and legs ache. I've been running... running from something. I can't remember what, though. Looking around, I see rubble and debris. I can make out shapes, but there isn't enough light to identify what the shapes are.

     But there's a single sliver of light. I can see it, it isn't far. Maybe if I can get to the light... if I can actually see what's around me... figure out where I am... Maybe I can get help.

     I'm not safe here.

     My knees shake as I clumsily make my way towards the light, half walking and half running, stumbling along as I get closer and closer... Then I hear something. It's a voice, calling out. It sounds frantic, and I stop to listen.

     It sounds almost like...

     "Gregory?" I call out, hoping he can hear me. "Gregory, where are you?"

     I stand in place, hearing only the sound of my own shaky breath as I try to hear his voice. Then behind me I hear a snap, causing me to jump. My neck cracks with the speed I turn it around, and when I, predictably, see nothing, my fear increases.

     I slowly turn around, when I'm suddenly hit with a wave of shock at the sight of a gruesome, mangled version of Chica. There's pizza goo around her mouth, and she's more broken than on the night of the fire, with half of her head missing and parts of her arms and legs shattered, exposing her endoskeleton. Letting out a scream, I start to run again.

     As I run, I suddenly trip and fall. I scramble to get up, but something sharp has taken a hold of my ankle.

     I scream again at the sight of something vaguely Monty-shaped, but its legs are missing and practically all of its casing seems to be gone. It closes its nasty, jagged jaws on my leg, and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by a stinging, tearing sensation. A pain I'd never felt before.

     As if this couldn't get any worse, something yanks on my left arm. Hard. I yelp and cry out for help, but whatever is pulling on my arm only tugs harder.

     I can barely make out dull bits of purple and red, and I know it must be some ruined version of Roxy. There's a pop in my left shoulder and a burst of pain, followed by an unrelenting throbbing.

     But then I hear Gregory.

     "Run!" he calls. "Y/N, run!"

     I'm sobbing uncontrollably at this point, and I don't think I'm physically capable of running, but I surprise myself.

     I squirm my way out of Roxy's grip and tear my leg out of Monty's jaws, then sprint as fast as I can with two uncooperative limbs.

     Gregory's call leads me to another light. At first the only thing I notice is that's it's a light, and that's good enough for me. My surroundings change as I run, showing me flashes of a dirty, abandoned daycare, contaminated water flooding Monty Golf, and eventually dark tunnels. Somehow I know I'm underneath the Pizzaplex now. Then the floor beneath me gives out all of sudden, and I fall into a seemingly endless abyss. But when my back makes contact with something solid, I know that, unfortunately, I'm still alive.

     At least for now.

     I hear nothing at first, but then I hear Gregory again. His voice is clear, and I know that I've found him. The light is here. Gregory is he...

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