Chapter 22: The Crying Child

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     A/N: Happy Day of Birth to the FNaF movie!!! We've all been waiting forever, and the day has come! (Also a big "yay" because I did another two chapters in one day.)

     The phrase "1983" echoed through my mind. For some reason, hearing it made me want to throw up. There was no way he was being serious. I was just hallucinating again, that was all.

     When I didn't respond, the boy continued, "He was playing a prank on me. And now he says I'm broken, and he's going to fix me."

     I let the words sink in, then I began to shake my head. "No, that... that doesn't make sense. Y-you're just in my mind. You aren't real."

     "I am!" he protested. "I'll show you. You can help me find him!"

     I held my hand in front of my mouth and sighed exasperatedly. "Show me what?" I asked, hoping that if I went along with it he would leave me alone.

     "1983," he answered.

     "1983 isn't a place," I said. "I-I'm sorry kiddo, but I don't think I can help."

     The boy looked down as if he were disappointed. I couldn't tell, but for a second I thought that he might've been crying too. A lot, in fact. While I still wasn't sure, the possibility made me pity the kid, and I reluctantly gave in.

     "Okay," I sighed. "What do I do?"

     He looked up at me with a near-hopeful expression on his face. "Stay still," he instructed. "Don't move, and just watch."

     I cocked my head to the side. "Why...?"

     The boy touched the sides of my forehead with the tips of his fingers, and almost immediately I felt myself thrown into a different setting. It was disorienting and sudden, and I couldn't process what had happened until I heard familiar voices.

     "Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!"

     Hearing this helped me focus, and I was able to find the person who'd said it. In mere moments my eyes were as wide as saucers. I saw the little boy's older brother and another boy, who were holding the child, and they had two more friends behind them egging them on. I was confused at first, but as I saw the older boys raising the younger one up to the mouth of an old-looking, yellow animatronic bear, I became horrified.

     "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Stop!"

     They ignored me, and said, "On three! One... two..."

     I sprinted to them, and just as I thought I'd be able to stop them I went right through them. Literally.

     "What the...?"

     Before I even knew it had happened, the little boy's head was lodged in the bear's mouth, and for several seconds he kicked, cried, and screamed. I tried to grab him so I could pull him out, but my hands went through his ankles as if I were a ghost.

     Oh no, I realized, remembering my nightmare and what happened.

     Then all of a sudden, the bear's jaws clamped shut on the child's skull. Everything was still, then the child's body fell to the ground and his brother sank to his knees.

     It was like a replay of my nightmare, but instead of being in the Pizzaplex it was in this old pizzeria. And this time there was nothing I could do to comfort the kid's brother. Seeing it caused another tear to fall, and somehow I knew it was because I'd discovered this wasn't just a dream. This had actually happened.

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