Chapter 14: The Evening Long Overdue

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Y/N's P.O.V.

     I hummed happily for the first time in a week as I finished up for the day. Parts and Service was looking that much brighter than usual, and I was shocked to admit that I was excited to be staying up late. Sleep was a luxury an employee like me often couldn't afford to lose, but this night was the exception. I was almost as upbeat as Sun for the entire afternoon (which he'd noticed, and we spent an entire half hour teaching children the Macarena as a result)!

     Checking my watch for the umpteenth time in fifteen minutes, I continued my count until my shift was over. The minutes went by slowly, and I started to run out of things to keep me occupied, but thankfully the time finally came for me to leave.

     I had slipped on my button-up uniform just for the sake of keeping my dress clean (and I wasn't up to changing), and I figured I would just wear it (the dress) for mine and Freddy's date. After taking off the shirt and stuffing it in my bag, I went to Chica's room to tell the girls the good news, and they practically exploded with excitement.

     "It's about time!" Chica exclaimed.

     "It took you two long enough," Roxy said.

     Ballora asked, "Are you excited?"

     I nodded bashfully. "Very. I've never done this before. Not properly, I mean. Freddy's my first boyfriend, so in a way this is my first real date... Anything I need to know before I go?"

     Roxy's jaw dropped, and she immediately rushed out of the room, then quickly returned with Foxy at her heels.

     "What's this I hear about a date?!" he shouted. "Y/N how could ya forget about me? I've been dyin' to give you dating advice for the longest time, and here ya are talkin' to yer girlfriends-"

     "Foxy!" I stammered, taken aback somewhat by his outburst. "I-I was just telling them..."

     "Ah, sure you were," he replied skeptically. "Get over here, Y/N. Let me get a good look atcha."

     I nervously stepped closer to him, and he immediately threw his arms around me. "I'm so happy, Y/N. You have absolutely no idea how long I've been waitin' for this day..."

     I struggled to breathe because of his tight embrace, but I smiled nonetheless, knowing that this was just as important for him as it was for me.

     "I'm glad you're happy, Foxy, but u-um... I can't breathe," I choked.

     He immediately let go, but placed his hand on my shoulder and used his hook to move some hair out of my face.

     "You did good, ya know that? I always thought Freddy was hopeless, but you got 'im. Good on ya, sailor."

     "Aww, Foxy..." I said softly. "Where was this reaction when you found out Freddy and I were together."

     "Well, you weren't datin' then," he replied simply. "You were together, so what was the big deal?"

      For a moment I was shocked, but then he laughed. "Aw, you know I'm jokin'! Don't give me that face."

     "S-sorry," I said, my face flushed. "I've... like I said, I've never done something quite like this before..."

     Chica started to shake her head. "Come on, Y/N! What would past you say?"

     "Past you would've taken this head on!" Roxy added. "Where's that spirit?"

     "You have it in you, Y/N. You're smart and confident, whether you see it or not," Ballora said encouragingly.

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