Chapter 27: Living in Fear

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     I could hear Y/N laughing on the other side of the door, and I didn't think it was because she was amused. As much as I wanted to walk through the doorway and see what was wrong. I wasn't going to if she didn't want me to. I had to be cautious around her nowadays. One wrong word, a mere misinterpretation of my tone, or even a concerned look could drive her crazy.

     I was aware that she wanted me to talk to for about... about my... the little boy, but there wasn't much for me to tell her that she didn't already know. I'd tell her I haven't seen him, but if I'm being completely honest... I don't think I want to see him. When he saw me, would he be resentful? Or upset? ... Would he be scared?

     I was dangerous and I knew it. Even though I'd never hurt anyone intentionally, if Afton came back and tried to take control again, I can't be certain that I wasn't harm someone again.

     My... my brother's death was terrible, and it was all my fault. What was worse was that I'd done it as a child. I was stronger now, and for more capable hurting someone. In fact, I already had.

     I don't remember much about being under Afton's control that night aside from the pain and Y/N telling me she loved me for the first time, but I known I'd hurt her. She'd worn a brace on her wrist for several weeks afterwards, and every time I looked at it I couldn't help but wonder how I'd done something so horrible to someone so perfect. That's why I needed to be careful around her. She wasn't the first one I'd wounded, and may not be the last.

     So I stood on the other side of the door and listened to her. I knew her pears, her likes and dislikes, what made her happy, and what made her happy and what made her upset. I racked my "brain" for things that could be upsetting her now, but nothing in particular stand out.

     There was always the possibility that she was missing Jeremy very much today, and I know that on those days the best thing to do was to let her be. Y/N mourned with herself only, no one could understand what she was going though quite like she was...

     I sighed and shook my head. That was probably it. There were things I needed to do anyway. I had a birthday party to attend in ten and a half minutes, so-

     I twitched once, and my thoughts came to a sudden halt. Next thing I knew, I had collapsed and my vision was suddenly filled with notifications. I wasn't supposed to have those anymore, unless I wanted them or...

     I've run out of battery, I realized. Oh dear... No! Not during the day!

     Everything went black, and I knew it would be like that until someone found me and got me to a recharge station. In the meantime, all I could do was wait.

     Without my body functioning, I was now only a part of the system. I still had my thoughts (being an AI did have its perks), but I didn't want to be left alone with those.

     Then I heard it.


     Shivers ran down my spine. Wait. That wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't have a spine...

     I sat up. I wasn't in my body. No, that wasn't it. I was... in my previous one.

     "Oh no..." I muttered, noting my British accent. "How...? This shouldn't be..."

     I looked up, and my eyes widened.

     "It's you," he said. "You really are still here!"

     Why did he sound excited? Maybe I heard him wrong, perhaps he was really mad and- and...

     It's him.

    My face twisted into a pained expression as I stood up and looked down at him. He was still so small and fragile... like I could break him with just a word.

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