Chapter 17: Haunts Me

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     I knocked on the door to Ballora's green room, preparing in my mind what I wanted to ask her. Part of me worried I was being unreasonable, that I was, like Y/N had said, "worrying too much". But sometimes that is a good thing. On the night of the fire, my anxiety was very much reasonable, and to this day I still wish I had done more to act on it. Y/N had hurt her wrist, and even gotten a few burns and scrapes. Gregory might not've been injured, but experienced enough horror to fuel his nightmares for the rest of his life. I was surprised he was doing as well as he was... Y/N, on the other hand, did not "luck out" like Gregory did. That's part of the reason why I was wanting to talk with Ballora so badly.

     Ballora stood in the doorway as it opened, as if she were waiting for me. Of course, that wouldn't have been possible, since I hadn't let her know I was coming. Perhaps she'd seen me through the curtains.

     "Hello, Freddy. What brings you here at this late hour?" she inquired.

     "I was hoping to ask you a few questions," I responded. "May we speak in your room?"

     She nodded and moved out of the doorway. "Of course."

     Her room was Bonnie's old one, and still had some of the old features, like the blue walls and yellow lights, but there were many visible changes. For example, the furniture style was changed, and Ballora-themed plushes lay neatly in various places in the room.

     Bonnie always scattered them, I thought, a surge of longing and anger running through me. They should have left this place untouched. It's Bonnie's room...

     But I dismissed the thoughts immediately, as they were unfair to Ballora, who'd done nothing.

     "Please, sit," she said, gesturing towards the elegant, purple couch on the other side of the room. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

     I sat and replied, "I just have some questions about Y/N. You two have been... very close for a long time. I thought you might have some answers for me."

     "Alright. I'll try my best to answer."

     "Has she seemed..." I struggled to find the right word, "uptight lately? Or is it just me who thinks so?"

     She took a moment to ponder my question before responding, "I think she's been in a constant state of anxiety since her brother passed. Of course, that's nothing new to anyone. But in a more recent sense, I don't think anything is different."

     "What do you mean by 'constant state of anxiety'?" I questioned. "I thought she was getting better."

     "She's had good days," Ballora said quickly. "She definitely has. But Y/N certainly isn't the same woman she was before Jeremy's death."

     My brows furrowed. "What... How so?"

     Ballora tilted her head to the side, as if the answer were obvious. "You of all people should know she's changed. She's said so herself on many occasions."

     "But could you please elaborate-"

     "Freddy, you needn't worry," Ballora insisted. "Change isn't bad."

     "But I should know," I told her. "I've seen Y/N as herself for so long I don't think I can see anything else..."

     "... Maybe you just refuse to see anything else," she said softly. "You don't want to see her hurting. It hurts you too, doesn't it?"

     I was quiet. As much as I didn't want to admit it, she was correct. But what kind of companion did that make me? If I refused to see her pain so I wouldn't suffer also? I looked down and nodded slowly. "I'm so terrible," I said suddenly. "I cannot help her. I..."

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