Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Percy's Point of View

We managed to get Ron and Charles out the common room no questions asked. We bullied them into showing up where they had locked up Blaise and Theo, then (after making sure our friends were simply sleeping and safe) followed our brother and his friend to Myrtle's bathroom, where Hermione was still locked up in a stall.

"Oh, wait till you see!" Myrtle chortled nastily, her dislike for the Gryffindor bookworm shining through. "It's simply awful."

Then, spotting us and Draco behind Ron and Charles, the young ghost grinned. "Hiya Harry and Percy."

We smiled distractedly back, approaching the door where Hermione was. Frowning, we called across to her. "We checked your potion every single week without fail. Merlin, we even checked it this morning. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. So, Hermione. What on Earth did you manage to do to mess everything up, huh?"

The stall door opened, and we stood staring in shock at the girl within. Hermione looked, for all the world, like one of those cat-ladies out of Doctor Who. She had a furry face and a tail. We had to fight the urge to laugh.

"You added cat hair?!"

Draco actually burst out laughing at our exclamation. Charles and Ron looked affronted, and Hermione ducked her head. "I got it off Millicent's robes when we were duelling. I didn't realise..."

We had the fight to hit Hermione over the head for her stupidity. No, but seriously? If you were going to collect a hair of someone's robe, you might as well double check first that it most definitely was theirs! A simple detection charm would at least identify it as human or not...

Gritting our teeth, Harry grabbed Hermione's arm, pulling her out of the stall.

'Severus is going to have our head for this... we promised we'd see it through to the end!' Harry grumbled.

'In our defence, we couldn't exactly just ask them to warn us when they were going to invade Slytherin territory and infiltrate our group of friends by impersonating half of us, could we?' I pointed out. This must be a really bad day for Harry if I had to be his voice of reason... Oh well. We all have our bad days, right?

'Percy...' Harry all but growled at me. 'You know I can hear you thinking currently, right?'

Oh! 'Hehe, ops?' I offered, ducking his mental cuff to the head. 'Hey!'

Hermione tried to struggle as we pulled her out, but we had several years of my fighting obsession to our advantage.

"Let me go!" Hermione yelled at us, catching us with a stunning blow to the side of the head. Ow! Remind us not to belittle girls. This one had some real force behind her.

I took over, shaking away the shock of being hit. I grabbed her arms, pinning them to her side (it was a bit difficult given all the fur, but I managed) and lifted her up. "Oh no, missy. This is one trip to the hospital wing that you most certainly are not missing out on. Or would you prefer we took you to Professor Snape or Professor McGonagall, so you might explain yourself to them personally?"

Hermione stopped struggling, going limp in our arms. "I guess your right... That doesn't mean I like it! But... This is hardly going to cure itself."

Ron and Charles exchanged looks, and Draco eyed her in mock amazement. "Did you honestly just agree with something a Slytherin said? Pack up, Harry and Percy, the apocalypse is coming."

We snorted in amusement, but continued to bustle Hermione out the bathroom and off towards the Hospital Wing. Myrtle hovered round our small party, her emotions switching between gleeful over Hermione's mess up, and worry that we might get in trouble for it. We shot her a smile every now and again as we walked.

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