Lover Number 5.5

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Han Yasheng's presence in the room remained steadfast, her actions speaking louder than any words could convey. With a tenderness born of unwavering love, she carefully bandaged the prince's wounded hand and arm, her touch gentle and soothing. Despite witnessing the prince's self-inflicted pain, she chose to remain silent, understanding that sometimes the depth of one's suffering cannot be adequately expressed or understood through mere conversation.

As a palace maid, Han Yasheng had learned the art of discretion, knowing when to speak and when to hold her tongue. She had been taught from an early age to keep a distance from the dramas of the rich and powerful, understanding that their lives were far removed from her own humble existence. But Li Jie was different. He was the boy she had cared for since his birth, the child she had embraced as her own. He was the only person left in her life who truly mattered.

The pain etched on Li Jie's face tore at Han Yasheng's heart. How could she not care when her beloved Li Jie was hurting so deeply? She listened as he poured out his anguish, questioning why his mother couldn't comprehend his pain, why he couldn't move on from the scars left by his father's actions. Han Yasheng knew all too well the tales of the Emperor's erratic behavior, whispered among the palace maids, each story a testament to the unstable nature of the royal family.

Han Yasheng's mother had warned her about the perils of becoming entangled in the affairs of the royal family. She had cautioned her daughter to observe and remember but not to become consumed by their ever-changing whims. Yet, when Han Yasheng held the newborn prince in her arms all those years ago, something shifted within her. Li Jie filled the void in her heart, becoming the child she had longed for but could never have.

"My dear highness," Han Yasheng spoke softly, her voice laced with affection and concern. "The Empress means well, but she may not fully understand the depths of your pain." She longed to embrace Li Jie, to hold him tightly and provide the comfort he so desperately needed, but she hesitated, afraid of being rejected, afraid that her affection would not be reciprocated.

Li Jie's laughter pierced through the air, devoid of joy, a sound that cut Han Yasheng to her core. This was a laughter born of anguish, a laughter that revealed the fragile state of his mind. He spoke of the madness that consumed his family, acknowledging the shared instability that plagued them all. Han Yasheng wished for nothing more than to see Li Jie's laughter return, but this distorted version only deepened her own despair.

Li Jie confided in her, expressing his desire for forgiveness while feeling trapped in a cycle of haunting dreams and blood-stained memories. Han Yasheng's heart ached for him. She knew the depths of his pain, and she would do whatever it took to help him find peace. With open arms, she beckoned him, offering solace in her embrace, a maternal figure who would protect him at any cost.

In that moment, Han Yasheng defied the warnings of her mother, defied the expectations placed upon her as a palace maid. She embraced Li Jie, holding him close as he wept, releasing the weight of his sorrow into her caring arms. Tears streamed down her own cheeks, mingling with his, as she whispered soothing words of comfort. In this bond, in their shared grief and love, Han Yasheng found her purpose. Without Li Jie, life held no meaning, and she was determined to guide him through the darkness, to help him reclaim his shattered spirit, and to show him that family could be found in the most unexpected places.

In that moment of vulnerability and despair, Li Jie's eyes were finally opened to the true family he had been overlooking. It wasn't solely the blood ties or titles that defined family, but the unconditional support and love he found in those who surrounded him.

Huang Baozhai, with her uplifting spirit, had always been there to brighten Li Jie's darkest days, providing him with a glimmer of hope when he felt his lowest. Huang Yimimg, without questioning or judgment, offered a comforting presence that allowed Li Jie to find solace in her unwavering acceptance.

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