A bit of Trust (Brandon x Lukas; FTO S4)

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This is a lovely way to start again~
This happens right after the GMG but before the S Class Trials occurs, so Brandon and Ritchie barely know about Lukas being a god slayer.
-some mentions of s̸u̸i̸c̸i̸d̸e̸ and s̸e̸l̸f̸ h̸a̸r̸m̸
Also, this is a bit of my own version of the series, so if a lot of things aren't related, that's why. :)
(Brandon's POV)

I sat in my office, frowning a little.
For the past couple of days, I've been feeling something in the air. I mentioned it to my brother, Ritchie, and he also said he has been feeling something in the air as well. Although for him, it hasn't been bothering him unlike me.
I sighed, shaking my head. I began hearing mumbling in bar below. I stood up, walking to the side. Down below, I see Lukas pacing back and forth. He seemed to have been stressed. I frowned at that thought and walked back to where I was sitting, putting my stuff away neatly.
(Lukas's POV)

"Why is this happening again..?" I asked in barely a whisper. I kept walking back and forth, a frown on my face.
Thankfully the bartender had gone out to get something he needed from Atlantide so I could be in here without someone worrying. Not only that but Ritchie had left the guild for a while to do a 'self discovery,' as David put it. And from what the others had said, Brandon had gone out a while ago, meaning no one should've been here, which was good for me.
Since the GMG, Galrin has been a bit more abrasive, in a way. It doesn't really affect me much since I always tune her out by occupying myself with something else but lately, I haven't been able to. And why? Because she's been more harsh, as of late. And although I say it doesn't affect me, it's beginning to become an issue, especially with the fact that my mind hasn't been 'present' for the last two days.
I sighed, sitting down. I rested my head on my hands, the frown still there.
I heard someone say my name causing me to look up slightly. There standing I see Brandon, with a blank expression. The same expression he usually has.

Do you really think of him that way~?

I tune out the voice that's in the back of my head and give him a slight smile.
"Hey Brandon. Need anything?" I asked, sitting up straight.
"No, not really. I just heard mumbling and wanted to know who it was," Brandon responded, looking at the bar. I nodded, standing up.
"Well, I'll take my leave since you might be busy," I said, getting ready to walk out before being pulled back. I look back to see Brandon with a frown, having a hold of my wrist.
"Lukas, have you been alright these past couple of days?" Brandon asked, making me nod quickly.
"Of course I've been alright. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, smiling slightly. Brandon let go of my wrist, his frown deepening.
"Lukas, you can't lie to me. You haven't been alright. You have dark shadows under your eyes, you've been more tired than usual, and when it comes to be in a room full of people, you seem panicked," Brandon said, stating everything he seemed to have noticed.
My eyes widened, surprised Brandon was able to see all of that. My first instinct was to grab my wrist, and start rubbing in small circles. I sighed, knowing that one day they would've realized.
"I will ask this one more time," Brandon said, bringing my attention.
"Are you alright, Lukas?" He asked, making me bite the inside of my lip. I shook my head, closing my eyes.
"Want to talk about it?" He asked, a bit of concern on his voice. I shrugged, opening my eyes and looking at the floor. I heard him sigh, causing me to still bite the inside of my lip.

(No One's POV)

Brandon placed his hand on Lukas' shoulder, making Lukas look up.
"Lukas, I won't force you to tell me what's wrong, but I want to help, if I can," Brandon said, a frown forming on his face. Lukas didn't say or do anything for a couple of minutes.
"Okay.. I'll tell you what's been going on, Brandon," Lukas said, looking down. Brandon smiled slightly, taking his hand off of Lukas' shoulder. Lukas moved to sit on the seat there, taking a few breathes. Brandon sat next to him, paying a lot of attention to Lukas' movements. After calming down a bit, Lukas began explaning what's been going on..

"You've realized that the last couple of days, I've been acting a bit different, right?" Lukas asked, earning a nod from Brandon.
"So, basically, ever since I used my god slaying magic on the GMG, my god has been... dificult.." Lukas said, the last part barely in a whisper. This caused Brandon to frown. One for not fully understanding what he meant, and two for the way that Lukas reacted to that.
"What do you mean by dificult, Lukas?" Brandon said, placing his hand on Lukas' shoulder.
"I mean, she's been dificult. Before the GMG, I was able to tolerate everything she said, since she's trapped in the seal. But lately she's been more abrasive. It's become a bit of an issue to me because I haven't been able to focus on normal things I did every day. Not only that but I've been going back to old habits of mine that have left scars on me, emotionally and physically. So her acting like this brings back memories that I forced myself to forget because if I didn't, then-" Brandon stopped Lukas with a hug, surprising Lukas.
From what Brandon could tell, if Lukas continued talking about it, he would've began having a slight panic attack. The reason he could tell was because of Lukas' voice wavering here and there and also for the fact that he was rubbing his wrist, harshly and fast, which could leave a bruise.
Brandon kept hugging Lukas until he felt Lukas had calmed down. He backed away, grabbing the water boy's wrist and began rubbing it in small circles, where it was beginning to turn red. They both sat in silence. Lukas couldn't say a word, meanwhile Brandon didn't want to say a word. The silence was tolerable for the both of them but also not really.
"Do you always do this.." Brandon asked in a whisper. Lukas gulped, not wanting to answer. Brandon looked up, making eye contact with him. Lukas slowly nodded. Brandon sighed and frowned, looking back at Lukas' wrist.
"Do you do anything else rather than this?" Brandon asked, still rubbing Lukas' wrist. Lukas bit his lip, anxiety beginning to get to him. Brandon looked up again, this time with a saddened expression.
"Please tell me you don't..." Brandon trailed off, furrowing his eyebrows. Lukas looked down, not being able to make eye contact with Brandon.
"That's what you meant when you said 'old habits,' didn't you?" Brandon asked, a bit serious. Lukas sligthly nodded. Lukas was certain Brandon was going to tell him to stop or do something about this whole thing. He didn't think Brandon would do the next thing...

(Brandon's POV)

I brought Lukas' wrist up a little and gave it a slight kiss. This made Lukas look up quickly, face flushed. I looked up and made eye contact with him, my face a little flushed as well. I gave him a small smile, it faltering after a little.
"Lukas, please don't do it," I said, grabbing a hold of both of his hands.
"If you ever feel like doing something like this, please, come to me," I said, a frown plastered on my face. Lukas just nodded, his face still shocked. I smiled at that. He closed his eyes, calming down. Once he opened his eyes, he returned the smile and nodded.
"If I do ever feel this way again, I'll come to you, Brandon," Lukas said, his smile not faltering. I nodded in agreement.
After a few seconds though, he leaned foward and placed his head on my shoulder. I placed one of my hands on his back while another went around his waist, bringing him into a hug. He brought both of his hands around my waist, returning the hug, and humming. I chuckled softly.
"Thank you, Brandon," he said in a whisper. I brought him in closer, feeling him bury his face in the crook of my neck, causing my face to flush.
"You're welcome, Lukas," I responded, burying my face in his hair.

I'll make sure this doesn't ever happen again..

Got this idea after reading a story by here in Wattpad.
It was a Lucas x David. It was quite something, to be honest. Super awesome.
I just got inspired with the concept of how their Lucas was, so yeah. Full credit goes to them.
(I forgot who wrote it-)
Well, that'll be all, cya!

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