Forbidden Love (FTO S5)

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Kidding! Not bromance, but bromance, if you catch my drift :)

It was forbidden for a Devil and a God to fall in love- Lukas knew this... He knew this and yet, he still caught feelings.
Galrin warned him; telling him everything about a Devil and a God falling in love being forbidden- still didn't mean she wasn't against Lukas being in love with this DevilSlayer, who he caught feelings for. She was actually okay with it, slightly rooting for him.




"Lukas, I swear- at this point, I might as well take over and tell him myself of these dumb feelings of yours." Galrin grumbled, feeling a bit annoyed as her transparent form appeared next to Lukas, who was sitting in his pool, with his eyes closed. Lukas opened his eyes, looking up at Galrin with a slight frown.

"You aren't doing that, Galrin. And if you're that annoyed by it, you do realize you could just block my thoughts and emotions." Lukas responded as he rolled his eyes. He slowly stood up and swam to the surface. Galrin grumbled before sighing as she slowly followed him.

"I know I can do that, Lukas, I'm not stupid. But still- it's annoying to see you drool over him, every time you see him." Galrin rolled her eyes, wanting to get her point across. Lukas sighed, as he sat on the edge of the pool.

"Did you forget everything about a God and Devil not being able to fall in love... or do you just not care- at all, anymore?" Lukas was a bit confused, as he tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. Galrin crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, yet again.

"Yes, I don't care anymore. I mean- when all your thoughts are about him, and you can't even focus on stuff without your mind going to him, who wouldn't not care about a God and Devil falling in love being forbidden?" Lukas sighed, shaking his head in a slightly disappointed manner.

"Would've figured you would try and smack some sense into me, but I guess that won't be happening." Lukas stood up, running his hand through his dry hair as he walked into his house. Galrin groaned annoyingly.

"What even is the point of me smacking some sense into you, if you never listened to me- but that's beside the point! Just tell him already!! I don't even see the reason why you haven't told him shit." Galrin spoke in an annoyed and frustrated tone, as she sat down on the couch. Lukas rolled his eyes, before opening the cupboard and taking out a bag full of smashed leaves.

"I haven't told him shit because I know he doesn't like me in that manner, Galrin. He's a literal DevilSlayer- not only that but you've seen how we both are with each other! Of course we are nice and respectful to each other, but you know how we really are." Lukas sent Galrin a quick glare, before he continued with making his tea.

Galrin scoffed. "Are you that stupid to not see the way he looks at you- or how he treats you way more different than he treats anyone else?" Galrin gave Lukas a frustrated and confused stare. Lukas sighed, as he closed the cupboard.

"Galrin. I'm not doing it- period. He doesn't like me in that manner, and doesn't treat me differently. He-... David doesn't see me as anything but a friend, and it's going to be staying that way." Lukas took a sip of his tea as he closed his eyes. Galrin sighed annoyingly, crossing her arms.

"You really think that... cause of his Devil, don't you?" Galrin narrowed her eyes, as she stared at Lukas. He opened his eyes, placing the tea on the coutertop.

"It's not only his devil, Galrin. You despise 'Bob'- you despise any devil." Lukas slowly turned to Galrin, as he slightly glared at her. Galrin scoffed as she looked away, keeping her arms crossed.

"Yeah- cause they're stupid and only want power." Galrin didn't budge- still having her arms crossed and looking away.

"See? That's why I don't plan on telling him. Nothing will make me tell him." Lukas turned back to his tea, grabbing it and taking another sip. Galrin slowly looked at Lukas, frowning slightly.

"Not even death...?" Her tone went low, as she kept frowning. Lukas just stared at his tea in his hands, before slowly shaking his head.

"Not even death." Lukas took another sip, as Galrin sighed.

"Fine... I'll drop it since I know it's getting you super annoyed-... but, at least promise me this, Lukas." Galrin looked up at him, while she kept frowning. Lukas looked up, his expression soft but slightly serious.

"What?" He responded, keeping his expression but also maintaining his ground- kind of.

"If it comes to it, you will tell him. Understood?" Galrin slowly glared at him, wanting him to agree. Lukas sighed, before nodding.

"Fine... Only if it comes to it." Galrin did a small nod, before she disappeared. Lukas sighed again, as he walked over to the couch and sat down. He stared at his cup of tea for a few minutes...

These feelings- were going to be suppressed, until Lukas knew he either didn't have them anymore... or- David felt the same.

Bromance between the Ice DevilSlayer and Water GodSlayer– miss them a lot :)
I might just start making these little things at the end small from now on since I don't have much to say, either way :^

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