A Stormy Day in the Garden... (David x Lukas; FTO S5)

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Another David x Lukas ship– I'm getting too obsessed, I swear— :')
-angst(a little)
(No One's POV)

Lukas made his way into the garden, calling out Plant's name.

A few hours ago, rain had started pouring down, but no one paid any mind to it since it seemed like a normal rainy day. Once it began to pick up though, both Lukas and David began to panic since there was no sign of Plant anywhere.
They had asked Blake, Kit, and Mario if they had seen them since they were the ones who usually found Plant if they wondered off, but sadly, they both got a "no" from the three slayers. David suspected Inmo had done it, but it disappeared instantly when they saw him knocked out in the bar. Lukas had decided to ask the Guild Leaders; Ritchie and Brandon, as well as Devin, if they had seen them, but still, their answers were also no. This made David and Lukas panic more.
And that's where Lukas decided to check the garden, while David looked at the stables. The rain had picked up, getting more and more heavier by the second. So, Lukas hoped Plant was in the garden, or at least in the stables, where David was looking.
Lukas ran into the greenhouse, his eyes darting everywhere until they stopped to the corner of the greenhouse, where the sunflowers were. Plant sat there, a bit wet from the rain, while wearing their yellow hat. Lukas ran over to Plant, worry and concern evident in his face.

"Plant! Are you okay?!" Lukas asked, kneeling down in front of Plant. Plant looked up at Lukas, before throwing themselves onto him, while wrapping their arms around his neck.
"Papa..." Plant mumbled as they quietly sobbed. Lukas sighed as he hugged Plant back, as he sat down on the ground, close to the wall.
"It's okay, Plant... Papa's here and-.. and Dad will be here soon." Lukas softly spoke, gently caressing Plant's back as he looked up at the sky.

The rain seemed to have picked up more so, for the time being, they would have to stay in the greenhouse until the rain calmed down a bit. Lukas sighed, as he hugged Plant tightly. He slowly activated his magic, as he got rid of the water in Plant's hair and clothes, getting them dry. Afterwards, they both just sat there.. Waiting for either the rain to calm down, or for David to walk in.
David ran into the greenhouse, which scared Plant, who had started to fall asleep. Lukas looked up at David, seeing the relief fall onto him as his body relaxed.

"Are they-... are they okay?" David asked softly, as he walked over to Lukas and Plant. It was a first yet not really, to see David soften every time it involved Plant- although, it still surprised Lukas sometimes.
"They're okay, David. I found them here, in the greenhouse, soaking wet. Thankfully, I was able to get the water out of their hair and clothes, so they're dry now." Lukas answered, looking down at Plant, who had slowly started to turn to David.

"Dad..." Plant mumbled, extending their arms towards David. David gladly took Plant into his arms, taking in a deep breath as he hugged Plant.
"You worried me, Plant... You worried us..." David whispered, frowning slightly as it looked at Plant.

Plant lowered their head, feeling a little sad. Lukas stood up, and walked over to Plant. He placed a kiss on Plant's head, as he smiled softly.
"Plant, you're fine, and that's all we truly care of." Lukas said, standing next to David as he kept smiling softly.

Plant gave Lukas a gentle smile and a small nod. David gave a chuckle, before he wrapped his left arm around Lukas, bringing him into the hug. Lukas squeaked, as he felt his face warm up. Plant and David stared at him, rather surprised by the squeak Lukas had done. Plant grinned while David chuckled. Lukas just lowered his head, as his hair hid his flushed face.
The three of them seem to have forgotten all about the rain, as they just sat down near the sunflowers and talked. Plant was placed in between David and Lukas, as they both spoke about stuff. Sooner or later, Plant had fallen asleep and David had brought them into their lap, as he stared at them, caringly.

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