Hatred or Sadness... (SNO S2-S3)

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>Wasn't requested<
Don't know why but wanted to do some more angst with characters of ActualBoatNose.
Btw, this takes place after Brandon died, and Lukas was left to live alone, with Bean.
-fluff(BEAN TO THE RESCUE- lol)
(No One's POV)

Lukas sat outside, tear stains on his cheeks. He had been crying for the last couple of weeks. He couldn't exactly stop. Anytime he did anything that reminded Lukas of him, he would break into tears.. But he wasn't the only one..
Bean would always try and comfort Lukas. Brandon was, of course, a father to Bean, so they understood Lukas' sadness.


When Lukas first came back, after Brandon died, the first thing he did was break down. He didn't do anything else. He just laid in Brandon's bed, crying, until he fell asleep. Some days, he wouldn't eat. Bean would always try and help in any way they could. Although they were rather small, they still tried to make sure Lukas was okay. They tried to make sure that the only person who they thought as family and was still with them, was at least okay...


Years passed and Lukas began realizing things. Some of them was that he shouldn't continue crying over Brandon's death, so he stopped. Sure, here and there he felt like shedding a tear or two, but he didn't do more than that.
Since everything began to change, Lukas began acknowledging a lot of things that happened while he was grieving.
Number one was that the Humans had now started to despise of the Supernaturals and that they were no longer welcomed. Number two was that Bean and him, could no longer live in the Whale. It had become more dangerous, especially with the fact that they would always appear close to a village. So, he did the only thing he thought was good, and that was to take Bean and himself and search for a different home. Away from the Humans.


More years had passed and Lukas finally had a place he could call a home. Thankfully, one night, he found himself in the middle of a vast clearing, with only one with tree in sight. A lady, who he later found out was the one in charge of the forest and of nature near that clearing, welcomed him into the forest, and to a small cabin near the clearing, where the lady resided by. Lukas thanked the lady, for welcoming him in, even though she barely knew him...


Bean and Lukas both began living in that small cabin, which later on he began welcoming two of his close friends children; Doot and Daat. Lukas adored them. Although they no longer served under Lucifer(Michael), Lukas still felt as though he had a slight connection to Doot and Daat, since they also lost someone because of the Wild Hunt, in a way... Of course, they never truly agreed or accepted it, Lukas could tell they both missed Marion, their father, at least a bit. Lukas didn't pry though, just like they didn't pry either. And as the days, weeks, months, years went by, Bean began to grow, ever so slightly.


Lukas, although many years had passed, still hadn't given up on resurrecting Brandon, after finding out he could... Doot and Daat, both, had tried to talk to Lukas, saying it would go against any human and supernatural law to do it... but he didn't listen. And of course, because of this, he asked Doot and Daat if they truly wished for their father back. For Marion to be back alive... They both thought about it, not sure how to respond to Lukas. But in the end, they accepted and helped Lukas find a way to bring back Marion...

And that's where the story begins to unfold.

Angst- Yay! :)
This is mostly just how I interpret how Lukas and Bean lived their lives after the Wild Hunt, since we didn't exactly get shown that in any videos, since also Boat didn't film anything. :^
I might start another one later-
Not sorry btw
Also, might be writing more, might not. Will depend if I have time or motivation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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