The Actual Truth... (Cal x Xylo; OoO S2) [Pt 2 to "A Much Needed Conversation"]

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>Wasn't requested<
All I'm saying.
Btw, this takes place before the ball. About a couple of days.
(No one's POV)

Xylo and Cal haven't exactly spoken to each other. Well, they have but not actual conversations. They haven't had a serious conversation, since the last one...

But thanks to this, Cal was able to get his mind around what he felt that day. He also found out that he shouldn't feel that way, for obvious reasons.
One of them was the reason why Xylo didn't entirely like the Aphrodite ball.
Cal didn't know exactly why at first until he asked Mario, and Mario filled him in on why he disliked the ball.
From what Mario had told him, his mother was cursed by Aphrodite herself. Mario didn't exactly explain why but he explained that there is no actual cure for it. So, Xylo being cursed was information he didn't exactly know, but it helped, a little.
The other reason why was the situation he was in. The Magnus situation. He didn't exactly want to be involved with that.
But back to Xylo's curse...

(Cal's POV)

"Could me having these feelings be because of the curse...?" I whispered to myself, sitting in a thinking position, and a frown.
I was sitting in the living area of the Egyptian side. It was extremely quiet, which meant everyone was out. This gave me the time to be able to sit in the living area, read for a bit, and relax. Although my mind seemed to have other ideas..
"If that's true, than why has it only happened to me? And why now..?" I whispered to myself again. I had a lot of questions, no answers. I wanted to actually talk about it with Xylo, but he's been busy with the twins; Inpu and Magnus. I didn't exactly want to interfere. So I sat there. Letting my mind wonder until some voices caught my attention.

"Daaaaaaaad! Why can I not hang out with minion?" Ricarro.
"Ricarro, you can hang with Inmo in your room. Why do you have to take him outside?" Xylo.
"Becaaaaaaaause!!! Minion and I want to go exploring!" Ricarro.
"Ricarro, I'm sorry but no. Don't go exploring with Inmo for the time being," Xylo.
I sighed, shaking my head and grabbing my book. I began reading, realizing that I probably should if I don't want to catch their attention. But it seemed like even if I made a noise or not, Ricarro would always notice me.
"Mama Cal!!!" Ricarro said, running up to me. I smiled slightly, closing my book. I heard a sigh from the side and it would've caused me to turn, if I didn't know who that sigh came from.
"Hello Ricarro," I said. Ricarro pouted.
"Cal, tell Xydad I can play with minion outside!" Ricarro said, still pouting.
"Ricarro, for safety reasons, I need you to not go outside," Xylo said, frowning slightly. I turned to look at Xylo, making eye contact, and then looking at Ricarro.
"Xylo's right, Ricarro. There's stuff going on and we don't want you to be going alone. I know you can defend yourself and such, but if something happens, we won't know," I said, giving him a warm smile. Ricarro looked down, his pout disappearing. After a couple of seconds, he nodded.
"Fine. I'll stay inside with minion," Ricarro said, making Xylo sigh out of relief. I chuckled softly.
"Ricarro, go hang with Inmo in your room," Xylo said, earning a nod from Ricarro.
"Okay. Later Mama Cal! Later Xydad!" Ricarro said, running to his room. I shook my head, chuckling. Xylo chuckled as well.
After some chuckles, we both stayed there, in silence. Xylo had already sat down beside me. I kept trying to read the book I had on hand. I was enjoying the silence, although Xylo seemed to not have the same idea.
"Cal, can I talk to you?" Xylo asked. I hummed.
"We're talking right now," I said, still reading the book. I heard a sigh from my right side, making me turn to face him. Xylo was staring at me while frowning. He stood up.
"Cal, I mean-" "I know what you mean, Xylo," I said, looking away and frowning. Xylo nodded.
"Can we go talk somewhere private then?" He asked, causing me to nod. I stood up and he lead the way to my room.
Why my room, I asked myself, frowning.
Xylo opened the door and allowed me to go in first. I walked in and went straight to my bed, sitting down. Xylo followed suit, sitting beside me.
I still had the book on hand so I began opening the book, before being stopped by two pairs of hands. I looked up to make eye contact with Xylo.
His eyes, I thought while frowning.
I pulled away from his grasp, gently brushing where he had his hands.
"Cal, we need to talk," Xylo said, sounding angry. I nodded slightly, biting the inside of my cheek. Xylo sighed, calming down a little.
"Cal, why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Xylo asked, sounding tired. I shook my head.
"Then why haven't you been-" "You've been busy, so I didn't want to interfere," I said, biting my lip. Xylo sighed, resting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to make eye contact.
"Cal, even if I'm busy, we can always talk," Xylo said, smiling softly. I nodded, still biting my lip.
"Cal, has something been on your mind lately?" He asked. I shrugged, looking at the floor.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, barely a whisper. I leaned forward, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Cal..?" Xylo whispered, sounding nervous.
"A lot has been on my mind. To what happened a while ago to what's happening now. I don't have an exact thing on my mind, it's just everywhere. It's just random stuff. Nothing specific. One thing has been on my mind though..." I responded, whispering the last part and sighing. I felt Xylo nod his head.
"Anything you want to talk about?" Xylo asked, making me nod. I moved back, sitting up right.
"Xylo. How does your curse work?" I asked, frowning. Xylo's expression changes fast. From calm to shocked.
"Why are you asking?" Xylo asked, shocked by my question. I shrugged.
"Mario told me about it since I was a bit curious to why you didn't entirely like the Aphrodite ball. He explained that you got cursed by Aphrodite herself because of something that happened last year," I responded, looking to the side. Xylo nodded, sighing.
"Why are you asking how the curse works though, Cal?" Xylo asked, frowning.
"I wanted to know if it works on everyone or only a couple of people," I said, beginning to feel anxious. I began playing with my hands.
"Well, from what I can tell, anyone that falls in love with me, will later on stab me in the back," Xylo said, looking at the side as well. I nodded, anxiety getting to me.
"Cal," Xylo said, putting his hands on top of mine. I looked up to make eye contact with him. He smiled slightly. I returned the smile. Xylo's smile dropped after a second and a frown had now replaced it.
"Cal, do you perhaps know if someone has a crush on me?" Xylo asked, sounding serious. I swallowed, feeling my throat become dry. I looked down and nodded.
"Can I know who they are?" Xylo asked, whispering. I shrugged.
"Please, Cal..." Xylo said, frown deepening. I bit my lip and nodded. Xylo smiled softly.
"Ricarro calls them mom.." I responded, looking to the side. Xylo stayed quiet, probably thinking of someone. His eyes widened.
"Cal, do you..." Xylo said, eyes still wide. I nodded, slightly. Xylo chuckled, making me look at him. Xylo looked at me and smiled.
"Cal, this is a joke, right?" He asked, smile faltering a little. I stared at him, in disbelief. I pushed away from him, standing up, frowning.
"Cal-" "You think it's a joke Xylo?! Well, it isn't. I didn't ask to fall in love with you. I just did and the issue is, I don't even know if it's true or just the curse..." I interrupted him, eyesight becoming blurry. I felt tears threatening to come down, causing me to rub my hands over my eyes. Xylo sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling on me. I yelped, being stopped by him before landing on him.
Now, I stood in front of him, him giving me a concern look. I bit the inside of my lip, feeling my face become warm. He stood up, resting his hand on my face. We stared at each other for a while, in the silence, until he spoke.
"Cal, when did you begin feeling this..." he asked, in a whisper.
"I've been feeling it for a while but I realized it when we had our last conversation," I responded, staring at him. He nodded, looking to the side slightly.
"Do you think it's the curse.." he asked, causing me to shrug.
"I would like to say it isn't but I'm not entirely sure," I said, still staring at him. He sighed, closing his eyes.
"Cal, can I do something impulsive?" Xylo asked. I looked down, humming. He opened his eyes, looking at me. I looked up and made eye contact with him, nodding. He smiled.
I felt his other hand go to my waist, pushing me closer to him. Before I could respond, my lips were touching his. My eyes widened. After a few seconds though, I began to melt into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. I hummed into the kiss, smiling. We both separated afterwards to catch some breath.
"That was- something," Xylo said, between breathes. I smile fondly, resting my hands on his chest.
I leaned forward and asked, "How did that make you feel, Xylo?" Xylo's face flushed bright red. I kept smiling.
"Uhm- It, uhh, felt nice?" Xylo said, stuttering. My smile grew a little, feeling my face flush a little. Xylo smiled back, pulling me a bit closer.
"Can I have another one?" He asked, whispering. I nodded, leaning foward and closing my eyes.
He gave me a quick kiss and pulled back. I frowned, about to open my eyes when a harsh pull made my eyes widen. Xylo was kissing me, almost like before, but rougher. I hummed, closing my eyes and melting into the kiss, again. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. We continued doing this until he turned me around and pushed us both onto the bed.
We both stared at each other. Xylo was on top of me, out of breathe. I was below him, also out of breathe. I brought my hand up, placing it on his cheek, and caressing it. He closed his eyes, smiling. I pulled him down, giving him a kiss. I pulled away, chuckling.
"What?" He asked, frowning slightly. I continued to chukle, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Your expression was adorable, I couldn't help myself," I said, smiling softly. He sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head on my chest. I sat up, pulling him with me a little. He hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckled softly, playing with his braid. After a while of us laying there, I began hearing soft snoring from Xylo. I smiled fondly at him, giving him a kiss on the head. A frowned replaced my face, though.
"I really am hoping this isn't because of the curse..." I whispered, caressing his head. I sighed, shaking my head.
"If in the end, they are because of it, we'll deal with it... together.." I whispered, grabbing his hand. I felt his hand squeeze, making me smiled slightly. I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I closed my eyes, letting my tiredness take me to sleep..

Even if these feelings are because of the curse.. I'll make sure they're real, so I don't hurt him in the end...

This was longer cause I wanted a bit of drama~
Ik I said on the last one that this one wouldn't have angst but I got an idea so I did it ;)
Hope you liked the part~
It was my favorite :)

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