Ch 2: Flashback Pt. 2

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It was a hot afternoon and I walked to the center of camp to find the gods (human sized, of course) standing in a semicircle around me... uh oh.

Most were bitter, angry, and grieving for their lost children, except for a few, of course. Poseidon stepped up, he looked awful. Instead of his usual Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts, he had on a black suit jacket with a white T-Shirt underneath and navy blue pants. The expression on his face looked exactly like the other gods who lost their children.

"How could you, Perseus?! How could you kill your own mother and stepfather?!" My eyes widened.

"What?!" My father glared at me angrily,his hands shaking.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Don't try to deny that you killed them, Perseus! I found Riptide next to Paul's dead body." Poseidon held Riptide in his palm. By now a crowd was forming.

I frowned and dug into my pocket. Empty.

"Perseus, you are no longer my son. Do not enter my domain unless you have a death wish," Poseidon continued. As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt all my power drain out of me. I no longer could feel the tugging sensation of the ocean.Zeus stepped up next to his brother and thundered in a loud commanding voice

"Perseus Jackson for your crimes, you are hereby banished from both camps and Mount Olympus. You have one hour to leave." I looked at them with shock that quickly turned to anger..

"I can't believe you think I did this! You know my fatal flaw is loyalty." I hissed. "You all agree to this?"

Hestia, Hades, and Hermes shook their heads sadly. I heard the voice of Hestia speak in my mind "Meet us in the forest outside of camp." I gave her a tiny nod before sprinting across the border. I looked back over my shoulder to see all the campers glaring at me with hatred and bitterness blazing in their eyes. Blinking tears away, I made my way to the forest to meet the three gods.

If it weren't for the whole "You're banished from both camps" thing, I would've appreciated the nice weather. The sun was shining and the wind in my hair, it was a beautiful day for a picnic.As I ran through a park where I saw a small group of friends laughing and goofing around. My heart swelled with longing. I shook my head pushing the feeling away. I had more important things to worry about.It took well over 20 minutes but I made it.

The three gods were pretty easy to spot because of their powerful auras. I bowed to the three of them when I neared them, mostly out of respect and the fear of being blown to pieces. Hestia smiled faintly.

"Percy, no need to bow. I am sorry for your horrible fate, but the council voted and majority won."

I nodded and asked "Why are you on my side though?"

Hermes stepped forward and said "Remember that warning letter I delivered to you from Zeus? Well, at that same time, one of the many campers were murdered. Hestia knew you weren't guilty because of your personality and your fatal flaw. Hades was suspicious because he thought you were too 'soft-hearted' so, he talked to the dead demigods, and they confirmed you were innocent." I nodded once more and asked

"So why do you want to see me?" The three gods shared a look. "We are going to help you, Perseus. Hermes, do you have the backpack with the supplies?"

Hestia asked. Hermes tossed me a camouflage backpack that appeared out of thin air. "Inside there's a bottle of nectar and a package of ambrosia that I stole-I mean bought, and some extra clothes."

Hestia unsheathed a celestial bronze sword that was lying on the ground next to her and handed to me. I was about to ask why I needed it and realized Riptide was no longer in my pocket. The blade was spotless; I could see my reflection. It was a leaf-shaped, a soft leather grip and and delicate wave designs.

The sword was well balanced and was comfortable in my grip, kind of like Riptide. I winced and pushed away the unhappy thought and decided to name my new sword-"ωκεάνιος" (Oceanic in Greek.)

Hestia smiled and whispered, "Use it well." Hades cleared his throat.

"I am here to give you a warning. Soon, Zeus will want to eliminate you because of how powerful you've become, despite the fact that you no longer have your powers." He said gesturing to a pond a few feet from where I was standing.

Unsure of what I would find I peered into the surface of the pond. I studied my reflection closely, not seeing any changes until I it hit me. My eyes, they weren't the sea-green they used to be. Instead they were a faded gray, as if the color had been drained out of them.

"It's a result of your father disowning you. I'm so sorry, Percy." Hermes murmured. I let that sink in.

"It means... I don't obtain my powers over water anymore... "The trio gazed sadly at me, until Hades cleared his throat. "I will shadow travel you to California, but beware of the hunters of Artemis. Good luck Perseus."

Ohhhhh. Cliffy. Sorry I had to do this but this is the best i can do. As You all know that school is almost over, well in America. I am from Texas and it's already feeling like summer is here and the sun is melting me. I will try to keep writing and posting but I will not be able to update during July because, I will be going to Kenya for a family reunion so anyone from Kenya comment and tell me what area you're from please. Thanks.

P.S. whos seen the new pitch perfect???!!!!!!!
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