My Death...I think?

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-Time skip-

I have to keep running. Three hellhounds were chasing me mercilessly. Usually, I could have taken them on, but right now I was too deprived of energy. My sword, Oceanic, for the first time felt heavy in my hands and my attacks were getting slower and slower. My legs burned with the effort of running for such a long period of time without rest. Making a split second decision dashed behind a large tree. I stood there perfectly still as I caught my breath.

I heard the barking grow softer and cautiously looked over the other side of the tree I saw nothing but a quiet neighborhood. Slowly I crept out from my hiding spot and found out I spoke too soon. I felt claws dig into my skin ripping it. Making one final attempt to save myself I swung Oceanic at the hellhound. The hound burst into dust but the damage was already done.I had lost too much blood. I felt dizzy and my vision was gradually dimming until blackness swallowed my vision and I let my last breath escape from my mouth.

I saw the color black I couldn't see anything. After what could have been a few seconds or years I opened my eyes and looked around I was still in the same neighborhood. I frowned. I thought I was dead. I looked down to examine my wounds to find that I was translucent and my body felt weightless. I looked down to find ... me. My dead body. I shuddered.

"I'm so sorry, Percy." My head snapped up to find a man with salt and pepper hair wearing winged sandals. Hermes.

"Come on bud'. Let's get you to the Underworld." He grabbed my hand, the wings on his sandals flapping, and took flight.

"So, I'm dead?" I summarized. Hermes nodded sadly and kept flying.

After what seemed like hours we finally reached our destination, D.O.A. Recording Studios, otherwise known as the entrance to the Underworld. Hermes let go of my hand but gestured me to follow him. He led me to the front desk where Charon sat. Charon raised an eyebrow. "Have I seen you here before?" he asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but Hermes interrupted me.

"He must have a free passage into the Underworld." Hermes said. Charon muttered something about free rides but finally gave in telling me to follow him. I turned around to say bye to Hermes, but he was already gone. I trailed behind Charon as he called to other spirits. Before I knew it there was a whole crowd trailing behind Charon.

We reached a silver elevator and he gestured us to get inside. I frowned, an elevator? As soon as the last of the spirits filed in, the elevator started to move down, then sideways?! Out of the blue, there were sudden flashing white lights so bright I had to close my eyes.

When I opened my eyes I found that I was standing in a boat floating on the River Styx. Looking around, I found myself in ... the Underworld. I could hear the screams of the tortured souls in the Fields of Punishment and laughter from the Fields of Elysium.

I jumped off as soon as Charon pulled up to the shore. As soon as my feet hit the crunchy ground I was somewhere else. Above me were three judges with golden masks.

Without saying a word, they searched through my memories as if they were looking through a photo album.

"Prevented a war. Saved Olympus ... twice. Framed and betrayed, yet still loyal to Olympus." murmured the first judge.

"Lord Zeus has orders to send him to the Field of Punishments." said the second judge. I felt my heart sink down to my stomach.

"Since when have we ever followed Zeus' orders? He will go to Elysium." interjected the last judge, smirking.

I let out a breath I didn't know I held.The judges nodded in unison. They said nothing more but one judge pointed toward the Fields of Elysium.

I nodded back and started to towards Elysium, but before I could reach it a large figure stopped me. I looked up to see a tall man with silver armor. He had light grey eyes,his figure was made of mist and fog, wings made of the same substance. He was probably immortal judging by his aura. His aura... It was unbelievingly powerful, more power than any of the gods I've ever met, more than Zeus himself...

"Who are you?" I asked wearily, silently hoping he was on my side. I did not need another angry god who wants to incinerate me on sight.

"I am Chaos, creator of the universe." He answered calmly. I gaped at him recalling a few legends Annabeth had drilled into me. I hastily bowed to the creator of the universe.

"Rise. Perseus, I would like you to be Commander of my army as well as leader of the Elite squad."

So Chaos is here what's gonna happen??? I will update later this week so keep waiting.
852 Words


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