A New Prophecy and Letters from the Past

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Recently on Alpha: Chaos' Commander----------

"Percy's doing great, he's doing fine. Soldiers aren't allowed to contact people on Earth. Chaos thinks the people of Earth would freak out if they knew there are beings outside of Earth. As for coming back... I will try to convince him after the war."
Annabeth's eyes shone with joy. "Really?! Would you do that for me? Thank you so much!" She hugged me, making my heart flutter. "I miss him so much... "
She sighed. "I better get going... it's late, I don't want to get eaten by harpies if I get caught, thanks again!"
I watched as her figure disappeared into the forest. She still feels the same way.. I thought. For the first time in a century, my heart felt lighter.
As if on cue, Luke appeared crawling out of his tent looking like he just woke up-which he did. "Hey, man, get some sleep, I'll take second watch."
-Time skip-
The next day, Chiron called me to the Big House during training.
"Perseus... is that you?"
"I-I have no idea what you mean," I stammered.
Chiron raised an eyebrow. "Perseus, you were never the best liar. I missed you, child."
I just smiled.
Just then a certain redhead burst through the doors—Rachel.[hood is still on]
"Chiron. A prophecy is coming", she gasped.
As soon as she said that her mouth spewed green mist and an ancient, raspy voice that I recognized said...

(A/N not final draft of prophecy)
"Seven died and were revived
Seven of the prophecy will be re-allied
The betrayed shall find the betrayer
The wise one shall have back what she wants the most
The flames and another shall return on the coast
The dove and lighting shall learn how to forgive and obtain
The cursed ones shall be freed of restrains
To defeat the one who awakes in night
A new hero can undo what was done out of spite
for Olympus is to combine or divide"

With that Rachel slumped forward and collapsed. Luckily, I was close enough to her to catch her before she slammed face-first on the floor.
I looked at Chiron. His face was paler than usual.
"A prophecy has not been spoken since... since the 2nd Giant war.
"Gather all the senior counselors, the seven and the Elite for an emergency meeting. Now." Chiron said with a worried look on his face.
As I ran out I bumped into...
"Jason?" I questioned.
He looked up, his gold-rimmed glasses lying crookedly on his face.
"Hey, can you got get the senior counselors and the rest of the seven for an emergency meeting? I have to go get the warriors. Thanks!"
I ran into the woods without hearing his response.
I teleported the campsite and screamed,"Guys, Rec. room now. New great prophecy."
With that I dashed back to the Rec. Room.
In five minutes I saw the whole squad running towards me. They stopped and took deep breaths.
"Styx, you all are out of shape. Tomorrow, I'm waking everyone before dawn for workouts." I said with a smile.
They all groaned and shot me death glares.
"Now come on, there's a new great prophecy."
When we went in I saw all the counselors and Chiron-in his wheelchair- sitting around the ping-pong table, waiting for us.
"-but what happens if we can't win?"
"You will. After all, Chaos did send his best and personal army." I say.
Everyone's head whipped around to stare at us.
"I swear, you guys are quieter than Nico when he comes from the shadows."
"When did you get in here?"
"First, just a few minutes ago and second, like I said we are his best army. We are personally trained by him. We could run through a field of knifes and come out without a single scratch." I replied calmly.
And no, I wasn't bluffing, let's just say Chaos has the weirdest exercises ever.
"Okay, now that we have everyone, let's talk about the prophecy." Chiron said.
"Yeah. I have something to say. This is a pretty cryptic prophecy. None of the prophecies I've heard are too complicated, this one might present a problem to figure out."
Abruptly, Zoe shot up from her seat and shot an arrow in the far right corner of the room.
I immediately went into battle mode and I could tell the other warriors did too.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"I saw a small flashing red light in the corner. So, I shot it." she said walking over and picking up the pieces.
Don't ask me why that was her first reaction to a flashing light—I have no idea.
"Wait... there's something on the back of this. It's a letter... from Percy." she said holding a piece of paper, that was yellowed and crumbling on the edges, and looking at me. "Well, are you going to read it?" questioned Thalia impatiently. "Yeah, hang on." Zoe said.
"Hey guys,
It's Kelp Head here. I don't know what to tell you guys right now, so I'll just write my thoughts down and maybe you all will understand what really happened. I just want to say that I have loved Camp Half-Blood from the moment I stepped in the boundaries. From the time Clarisse shoved my head down the toilet to the time we fought the 2nd Titan war to the Giant war.
This is a good-bye to everyone. Each paragraph is a paragraph for each person except for Travis and Connor, they're a package deal (sorry guys, dyslectic, remember?).
First is to Chiron. Chiron you were a second third father to me (don't forget about Paul). You were always there for me whenever I needed you and you gave great advice whether I wanted to hear it or not. You have always watched for my well-being and I will always be grateful for you to wish to become immortal and teach us demigods to fight. I will always remember your lessons and everything else you have caught me. Thank you for your present, I have a feeling I will be using it a lot in the future. I will keep it as a momentum from our time together. I couldn't have thought of a better present.
Second is to the G-Man, Grover. Dude, you're the BEST protector any demigod could ask for and I don't want you to forget that you will be the best friend to me and a better Lord of the Wild. You were always there for me: telling me I was a demigod, coming on all of my quests, every relationship crisis, every problem. You were there for my whole life. You were my first true friend, my first brother in everything but blood. I don't blame you for anything I have done to you. I just want to tell you that you were, are and always will be my first true best friend. Keep saving the wildlife and keep Annabeth happy for me, G-man. Thanks.
Third to Death Breath, I can't believe how grown-up you've become Nico. Stop growing I'm not ready for this yet. But seriously I'm happy for you, you've gone from a little kid playing Mythomagic to bringing the seven to the Doors of Death and closing them. I tried to protect you from the moment we met and I tried my best. I really did, but I couldn't fulfill your wish of me protecting your sister, and I'm sorry for that. I tried to stop here but, it was her choice.I can't thank you enough for forgiving me and getting the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, You were the "little brother" I've never had.
Now Thalia. Pinecone face, where do I start? You are an amazing girl and I hope you live happily with the Hunters. I don't what to say. Keep getting new hunters and kill all the monster you want for all I know. Thalia , we may not have been that close when we first met, but we soon grew close together as time went on. You're an hot-headed, stubborn, strong, and frightening person. You are like the sister I never had and you're amazing."
Next is to Clarisse. Well, what am I supposed to say? You are the bravest, strongest, scariest girl I have ever met. Most people think of you as a heartless person but I see a different side of you. The kind, brilliant, and smart side. I started seeing it when you showed up at my school fighting a bunch of crows. I saw the girl who wanted to prove her worth to her father, when you took care of Chris after he came out of the Labyrinth, when you comforted Silena after Beckendorf's death. They both died a hero's death.
Next is to Katie. You are an amazing daughter of Demeter. You are sweet, kind, ill-tempered, and a strong person. You helped me through good and bad times of my life. You showed me that there is beauty and happiness in every situation no matter how bad it is. You are an amazing fighter and I think everyone will agree especially the Stolls that you can be very terrifying when needed. I certainly hope your wish will come true.
Now the Stolls. Wow, where to start? Well what about you both are the most reckless, idiotic, funny, original, brilliant, and amazing twins I have ever met. You're the best pranksters The camp has ever had and everyone knows that you always seem to make me happy on my down days. I will definitely miss your bright personality. Don't burn down the camp while I'm gone. I hope you both get the life you deserve.
All of a sudden Zoe stopped reading.
"What happened?"
"Is it finished?"
"No, this paragraph... it's just longer than all of the other ones."
"This last one is to Annabeth. I know from all the time that I've known you then you will be looking for me, but don't search for me. I have a lot to tell you something really important. I love you no matter what happens and I hope I've proven that to you. I have loved you the moment I met you. You are an amazing friend and girlfriend never forget that. I know that there were bumps in our road but I have only had eyes for you the one and only Annabeth Chase. You remember when I went in the River Styx. Well, I remember belly-flopping into the river and feeling like I was going to die. I was about to when I heard a familiar voice. That voice was... It was you. You are my mortal point the only reason I live, the reason I love you is not because of how you look. The reason I love you was because you are an amazing friend, feisty, yet have a soft side. You are amazing. A few weeks before I was banished I did the 12 labors of Hercules to prove to Athena that I love you and I'd rather fall into the abyss then be without you. She approved of our relationship and I want to tell you to go look in my cabin, under my bed is a blue and gray box. It's a promise ring. I promise that one day I will come back for you. I promise to love you forever and always, Wise Girl.
And one more thing, if you still want me to stay then come and meet me at Thalia's pine tree at midnight, I'll be waiting."
"That's the end." Zoe said.
Nobody spoke—you could hear a pin drop. Everyone turned and saw Annabeth crying and she ran out of the room sprinting to my former cabin. Everyone glanced at each other and started running after her. All the other campers started running to the cabin. Nobody had ever went in there for a long time, and if Annabeth went in there something was going to happen
As soon as everyone was in or around the cabin, Annabeth went to my old bunk, reached under my bed and brought out an sea-green box with gray lining. She opened it and all girls gasped. In the box was a silver ring encrusted with gray tinted diamond and gems that looked like the color of my eyes.
Annabeth put it on and it fit perfectly spiraling around her finger.
"There's something in it. A letter. It says:
Dear Annabeth,
I love you. I really do but I had to do this. The gods and the campers banished me from my only home. The one place I was safe and I lost it. This is an promise ring for you. Keep it on you and when I return, I will know that you still love me as much as I love you."
I had totally forgot about the letter that I had wrote to everyone especially Annabeth's. I had put in a lot of thought and love into the letters.

Oh my gods. You guys, I haven't posted in FOREVER. It was Percy's birthday and Percabeth's anniversary yesterday and I really wanted to update but didn't have any time, sorry. But in honor of him I had blue birthday cake ice cream which I'm sure he would have loved. I got inspired for the letters from a different Percy Jackson and Chaos story's for I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @blackjackxxx who was still a part of WATTPAD when I wrote this part but is no longer on this app/website. Thank you everyone for putting up with this book and the wild updates. And don't forget to

WORDS: 2305
Posted: August 19, 2016

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