In the Camp

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I couldn't figure out why the Romans and Hunters of Artemis were here at camp. Both groups said that the gods had told them to come, expecting a long stay, though the gods didn't specify.
Just as I went outside to finish inspection when I saw a blinding flash at the gate. I ran there with the other campers.
As soon as I got there I saw Hermes standing in giant form. I frowned. Gods + Hunters + Romans= something was wrong.
I went to the front and stood with Chiron, Jason and Reyna. Hermes started talking in a professional way. "Some—hmm—people are arriving to help us and Olympus in the upcoming war. Chaos' Elite Squad, to be exact."
"Wait, Chaos, as in the primordial god?"
Hermes nodded grimly. This threat must be almost unstoppable if Chaos was involved.
"They will be coming in just a few mom-"
Just then there was another flashing light in the distance.
"And there they are," said Hermes.
I stood with the other leaders and stared ahead thinking about the people walking our way.
After about 24 minutes and 33 seconds, they stood right outside the border. 7 hooded figures passed through easily. Are they all demigods? I pondered.
The warriors moved into a strange formation, before flicking off their hoods, except for the still hooded figure in the front, whom I assumed was the commander. I realized I recognized the 6 warriors standing behind the leader.
"Luke!?" I exclaimed.
"Silena!" Clarissa yelled running up to her and wrapping her in a hug.
"Beckendorf!?" exclaimed Nyssa.
"Zoe?!" screamed the Huntresses of Artemis.
"Bianca!" Nico hugged his sister tightly.
"Ethan!?" The Stolls said in unison.
"I... is this even possible.?"
"What's going on?!"
"At ease, everyone." said the hooded figure calmly. "Chaos, my master has brought your companions back to life, himself and I guarantee that they will do no harm. The senior campers should recognize them, but let me introduce myself. I am Alpha, Chaos' commander and leader of the Elite Squad."
Though he said this quietly, everyone heard him and immediately quieted down.
I studied Alpha carefully. A hood shadowed most of his face from view. Alpha had a silver weapons belt with a gleaming celestial bronze sword strapped to his waist, throwing knifes, a bow slung over one shoulder, quiver full of arrows on his back, a spear, a few guns on his forearms, and a leather bracelet on his wrist. I could tell he was muscular yet lean.
Something about him was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
By then the campers were completely silent—a strange occurrence that almost never happened.
"I believe I need to introduce my soldiers for I would guess that you do not know them already."
The soldiers stepped up, chins held high.
"I am called Zoe, former lieutenant to Artemis." the  huntress said in a loud clear voice.
"I'm Bianca, daughter of Hades, former huntress of Artemis." She smiled shyly at the campers.
"I'm Beckendorf." the young man said gruffly. The girl next to him gave him a "go on" gesture. Beckendorf sighed. "Son of Hephaestus." He muttered.
The girl went next. "I'm Silena, daughter of Aphrodite." She gave us a big smile.
"I'm Ethan, son of Nemesis." a boy in the back said in a quiet voice. He offered a tiny nod.
The last soldier looked uneasy. "I'm Luke Castellan." An awkward silence followed his words. "I fight for Olympus now." He added hastily.
The newer campers just shrugged, while older campers, still looked suspicious.
I scanned  their faces looking to see if Percy or Leo were among them. I saw the rest of the seven doing the same. To my disappointment I could see neither of them.
Years after the war we failed to see Leo's return. Nico claimed he wasn't in the Underworld. Both Leo and Percy seemed to disappear of the face of the Earth.
I looked over at Chiron to see what he thought of the visitors. I saw him studying the commander. Chiron looked shocked... and was that a hopeful expression?
"Everyone is free to go except  senior counselors." he said calmly. Then one by one everyone left except for the senior counsellors, the Elite squad and Chiron.
When the other campers cleared away, Chiron turned to the counselors.
"We will treat these people with respect and honor. They are only here to help us win the upcoming war. I assume the Elite already knows about the threat that has come to our world." said Chiron.
"Yes, and we will be very honored to help the gods and half-bloods." Silena politely replied.
I thought I heard a small scoff from Alpha's direction. I saw Zoe elbow him confirming my suspicion.
"Um, we may not have enough space for all of the squad to fit... "Chiron trailed off. "That's fine, we understand. Which is why we will be camping outside the border." Alpha replied.
"Of course."
The squad turned, and marched across the border into the forest.

HEY GUYS, IM BACK. SO THIS MIGHT BE MY LAST UPDATE UNTIL THE NEW YEAR IM NOT SURE DAY AFTER TOMORROW IM LEAVING TO GO TO INDIA YAY!!! I'm really excited so anyone from India I would love to know where you live- state, city- that would be awesome and what I should expect from there I went when I was 5 months and lived for 5 yrs there soooo, yeah.
Now I would love to get to know you guys so I will be doing Question of the Chapter from now on. For this chapter-

QC- Where are you right now? And where are you from?
I'm at my house packing and I'm from TEXAS, USA.
982 words

Alpha: Chaos' CommanderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ