Return to Earth

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Last on Alpha:

As I dashed into the Athena cabin my siblings tried to ask about the meeting but I ignored all of them. I packed all the stuff I thought I might need in order to find Percy-nectar, ambrosia, my cell phone, extra clothes, food, drachmas, an extra weapon, and mortal cash.

Grabbing my ivory sword, I turned to my siblings. "If you want to know about the meeting talk to the other cabin counselors. Malcolm? You're in charge while I'm away."

"Where are you going?" Malcolm asked frowning.

"I'm going to find my boyfriend."

And with that, I turned on my heel and walked out the door.

From that day on, for another 70 years I looked for him, but I never found a trace of him anywhere everywhere around the world. The only reason I stopped was because I realized how much camp needed me. Even after all these years I never forgot a certain son of Poseidon who managed to capture my heart. 



I jolted awake to the annoying beeping sound interrupting my dream. I groped at the alarm clock feeling for the "off" switch. The dream heavily troubled me. What did it mean?

I dragged myself out of bed stumbling to the restroom, almost running into a wall. What can I say? I'm not a morning person! Once in the restroom I took a cold shower attempting to awaken myself.  15 minutes later, I was out of the restroom, fully awake and dressed in the Elite squad uniform with my hood over my head.

I walked briskly to what everyone called the throne room, which ironically had no throne. I found the whole Elite squad waiting for me. The squad consisted of: Luke, Bianca, Silena, Zoe, Beckendorf, and Ethan.

Everyone was in their uniform. Everyone had a different symbol on their cloaks. I had a single star-the same star Estelle wore on her cloak. I wore my hood over my face to protect my identity. The others had their hoods down.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

The squad nodded with an awkward silence enveloping the room.

"What's our plan exactly?" Beckendorf asked.

"I'm glad you asked." I said. "First we're going to teleport to Olympus-home of the gods- to get the gods' approval-"

"Approval? For what?" Luke interrupted. Both Zoe and Bianca elbowed him at the same time.

"We can't just randomly march into the demigods' camp, 'ya dummy! Not without alerting them first! They'll think we're the enemy!" Bianca said in a teasing tone.

"Oh, right." Luke mumbled sheepishly.

"Then we're going to teleport 'bout a mile away from Camp Half-Blood and walk into camp, so we don't cause panic. You guys are going to tell the campers about yourselves, since only the senior campers who were made immortal will recognise you. Does everyone get it?"

I got responses of "Yeah"s and "Mhm"s.

As if on cue, a firm hand knocked the door and Chaos slipped in. "Ready? Percy, will you do the honors?" I nodded.

After spending 20 years in the army, Chaos trusted me enough to give me powers to help with the missions and because I no longer had my Poseidon powers. Powers included healing, ultra-speed, faster reflexes, the power of all the gods, and of course, teleporting. With the help of some practice, I'm able to teleport the whole Elite squad without strain.

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