They're more deadly than ever!!

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Previously on- Alpha: Chaos' Commander-

As soon as everyone was in or around the cabin, Annabeth went to my old bunk, reached under my bed and brought out an sea-green box with gray lining. She opened it and all girls gasped. In the box was a silver ring encrusted with gray tinted diamond and gems that looked like the color of my eyes.

Annabeth put it on and it fit perfectly spiraling around her finger.

"There's something in it. A letter. It says:

Dear Annabeth,

I love you. I really do but I had to do this. The gods and the campers banished me from my only home. The one place I was safe and I lost it. This is an promise ring for you. Keep it on you and when I return, I will know that you still love me as much as I love you."

I had totally forgot about the letter that I had wrote to everyone especially Annabeth's. I had put in a lot of thought and love into the letters.



I was almost to Camp Half-Blood when I heard a growl behind me. Thank the gods that it was midnight so no one was awake. Behind me was a hellhound. I pulled out my sword waiting for it to attack, but it didn't. It stayed there waiting for me to do something. Then I saw a light coming off the neck. Now that I mention it, the hellhound did look like Mrs. O'Leary. It was Mrs. O'Leary.

"Hey, girl. How are you? I'm sorry I didn't come visit you. I was vanished from Camp." I whispered to her while petting her. In return she gave me a big, slobbery lick.

I climbed on her and said in her ear.

"Hey, can you shadow-travel me into Poseidon's cabin in Camp Half-Blood?" Her ears perked up and started running into a shadow of a huge oak tree. The next second we were in my- Cabin 3- Poseidon. The cabin looked just like I had left it. Food littered on the floor, clothes strewn on the beds and a fountain of salt water run dry. I found a small backpack and packed it with 2 canteens of nectar a few bags of ambrosia, extra clothes and mortal clothes. I took a few pieces of paper and a pen and wrote an apology letter to the Camp and my traitor "friends".

When I finished writing the letter I wrote a separate letter to Annabeth and put a ring and put it under my pillow. I looked outside and saw the rising over the horizon making the sky a rainbow of orange, yellow, pink, and purple. Calling Mrs. O'Leary I said goodbye to the one place I wish I could stay at and got shadow traveled back to the woods."

"Hey, Alpha can I talk to you?" I heard a voice behind me and turned around, everyone had gone except Annabeth.

"Yeah." I said walking towards camp, Annabeth close behind me.

I cleared my throat. "That was quite an letter wasn't it?" I asked.

"It sure was. Now, I know how Percy felt when he was accused of murdering campers." she said sadly. "He is the best friend anybody can have and an even better boyfriend. Thanks for delivering the letter."

"Boyfriend?" I said questionly.

"Yeah, boyfriend. I kissed him on his 16th birthday, and the camp threw us in the canoe lake." she said with a small smile remembering the kiss. I had a small smile also but, she couldn't see it and I, for once, was happy.

"If I may ask how did your boyfriend disappear?"

"He was falsely accused  of murder." She gestured behind her. "This used to be his home. He loved it here, but he was banished for a crime he didn't commit. Some idiot named Jax did it, I bet that coward joined the enemy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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