Ch. 4- Estelle and Nyx

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in case you didn't remember it's JASON'S B-DAY

-Back to the present-

I sighed silently, snapping back to the present. I did not want to go back to the place where I was betrayed. I was afraid of seeing the hate on the campers faces. One side of me said I had to go to save Earth, while the other side argued I shouldn't go, and that I didn't have to. I rubbed my temples stressfully, struggling with my conflicting sides.

Suddenly a soft glow illuminated my dark room. The source? The small stone Chaos had given me. It now hung from a long piece of string tied around my neck. It glowed only when Estelle was coming. She came several times, to help me train, and to guide me in the right direction.

The stone stopped glowing abruptly and in front of me was a girl that looked around my age. She had raven black hair tied in a low ponytail and dark brown almost black eyes with silver specks. She wore pure silver armour with a star carved through the top right corner of the chest plate. Her form was faded, so you could see through her, yet she felt completely solid. In front of me stood Estelle, the former commander of Chaos, and daughter of Nyx. (She actually kind of looked like Zoe.)

Her eyebrows were scrunched in concern. She and I had become like brother and sister. "Are you well, Percy? You look very stressed." Estelle said. I glared at her.

"Of course I'm stressed! I'm being forced to go back to the place where I was exiled!"

She gazed at me sadly. "The thing about betrayal, is that it never comes from your enemies, it always comes from the ones closest to you."

I nodded. Estelle sighed. "Percy, I know you do not wish to go back to your home planet but you must. If Earth is destroyed it will unbalance the solar system it belongs to. I know it is difficult, but it is your duty as commander."

I clenched my stubbornly and looked away.

"Percy." She chided.

Estelle lifted my chin so that we were face-to-face. "I know the real reason you don't want to go back... You're afraid your friends will hurt you again. You're afraid to face them again."

"Gee, did you read my mind?"

"Percy. You do not have to reveal your identity, correct?"

I just nodded.

"You don't have to reveal yourself until you're ready then..

"Would you not like to see the ones who have not betrayed you? Your girlfriend? Your friends? The gods who sided with you?"

I found myself smiling at the thought of seeing my ten friends whom had not betrayed me.

"Yeah, I guess that would be pretty cool." I admitted. She smiled.

"That's the Percy I know! Now, if only you could that enthusiastic about all your missions..."

We laughed. But almost immediately her face turned serious.

"Percy, while you are on Earth you will encounter a force so powerful, only Chaos himself can defeat it."

"Nyx, your mom?" I guessed. Estelle just nodded grimly and sighed.

"I met her once, in Tartarus! It wasn't exactly pleasant.."

"My mother will be assisting the giants. Be careful and stay out of trouble."

I raised my eyebrows. "Me? Stay out of trouble? Yeah, and Nyx will start handing out free balloons to little kids."

She rolled her eyes as her form began to flicker. "That is my cue, Percy." Estelle said kissing me gently on the forehead. "Be safe." With that she faded into nothingness.

"Easy for her to say." I muttered to myself smiling slightly.

It was hard to imagine that Estelle's mother was a power-hungry villain, while Estelle herself was sweet and caring. Yet she was strict and stubborn-two traits her mother has. My mind drifted to what she said earlier. Nyx was helping our enemy? Thank Chaos, immortal gods cannot directly interfere with "mortal" wars.

I stretched out across my bed knowing I should get some sleep knowing I had a long day ahead of me. I set the alarm to 6:30, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. Instead of a wakeless night, like I had hoped, I was swallowed into a nightmare.

I opened my eyes to find that I was not in my bedroom. Last time I checked, my room didn't have a seemingly endless, dark ceiling and glass shard sand on the floor. I couldn't see much, because of the darkness, but in front of me I could make out ranks of monsters. This place seemed awfully familiar.. Then it hit me. I seriously wanted to facepalm. I was in Tartarus!

"I will aid you in this war, learn to use your abilities I am gifting you with. Do not fail me!" I said. Except, it wasn't me. The voice was more feminine and sounded ancient, it seemed to echo across the room.

"Step up Minotaur." I said.

My old enemy stepped forward, trembling in fear. Who was I? When the bull was an arms length away, I closed the distance between us and firmly pressed a pale hand against his chest. Dark shadows spiraled around him and sunk into his skin. He fell to his knees as he writhed in pain. The monsters who were closest to him scrambled back in fear.

Throughout the process, he had his eyes squeezed shut. Now, they snapped open revealing cold, pitch-black eyes.

So comment how it is and if i have enough votes and comments I will update later this week, hopefully.

need 30 views, 10, comments, and more than 10 votes PLEASE
Published July 1st

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