Accused of... what exactly?

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Previously in Alpha: Chaos' Commander
"We will treat these people with respect and honor. They are only here to help us win the upcoming war. I assume the Elite already knows about the threat that has come to our world." said Chiron.
"Yes, and we will be very honored to help the gods and half-bloods." Silena politely replied.
I thought I heard a small scoff from Alpha's direction. I saw Zoe elbow him confirming my suspicion.
"Um, we may not have enough space for all of the squad to fit... "Chiron trailed off. "That's fine, we understand. Which is why we will be camping outside the border." Alpha replied.
"Of course."
The squad turned, and marched across the border into the forest.
Once we walked into a small clearing into the nearby forest, we set up tents, campfire, and some booby traps along the perimeter.
"Once you're done you can hang out with the campers or whatever." I told my squad. One by one they left our campsite to reunite with their siblings and friends.
I watched the sun set along the horizon making the water glisten and turning the sky brilliant shades of pink, orange, green, and blue. I forgot how beautiful Camp Half-Blood sunsets were. I felt a pang of nostalgia. By the time the sun had set, my warriors had returned looking content and happy.
Once the sun set I sent my warriors to bed, tomorrow was going to be a long day. We were going to help the campers with their fighting techniques and defenses. I volunteered to keep watch as my warriors slept.
When I was sure all my soldiers were asleep, I saw a white flash, and three gods stood before me in human forms. Hestia, Hermes and Hades.
"Who are you, and why do you possess Perseus Jackson's sword?" Hestia asked calmly, though her face had a deep frown.
"I didn't kill him, but you cannot tell anyone my identity!" They stared at me disbelievingly. "Swear! On the River Styx!" Reluctantly, they swore on the sacred river.
Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I flicked off my hood, saying, "I am Perseus Jackson."
The gods stared at me flabbergasted. "H-how are you here? How are you alive?" Hermes exclaimed.
"I should have known, I thought I felt a powerful aura take your soul away. And when I saw Chaos, he had the same aura." Hades said, stroking his chin.
Hestia stepped up and caressed my cheek, as if to reassure herself that I was really there. " So, you are commander of yet another army?"
"Yeah." I admitted. "Chaos gave me a choice though." I said quickly seeing the look on her face.
"We're glad to see you alive, Percy, but why can't the rest of camp know your identity?"
"I-I'm afraid that if I show them my identity, they might lash out on me again." I said. "And, I'm still exiled, remember?"
They winced at the last part.
Hermes sighed. "I suppose you're right, but your friends miss you... especially, Annabeth... "
It was my turn to flinch.
"Yeah... "
I heard the rustle of a sleeping bag coming from Luke's tent.
"I think it's time for us to go." Hades hinted. Hestia sighed.
"Good luck, and Percy, remember, some things are worth fighting for." she said quietly enough for only me to hear. With that, they disappeared in a flash.
I looked behind me, and strangely no one was awake yet. As I sat there I began to feel the slightest bit fidgety. Even after all these years I still had my ADHD. I decided to get up and walk around before I exploded.
I heard a soft rustle near the trees. Frowning I crept toward the sound, thinking it was a tree nymph or something.
I saw curly blonde hair. Annabeth. I thought immediately.
I cleared my throat making her jump slightly. "May I help you?"
Annabeth stepped forward. "Sorry for entering your camp Commander, but may I ask a few questions?"
I faintly wondered how she got past the booby traps. Then again this was Annabeth, she probably strategically found a way to disarm them or something.
Seeing her blonde hair and stormy gray eyes made me realize how much I missed her the last century. My heart ached to hug her, to kiss her, but I restrained myself. Did she even feel the same way anymore?
I nodded, answering her question.
"Do you know anyone by the name of Percy Jackson? Or Leo Valdez? They disappeared about a century ago. They're not in the Underworld. Did they ever join your army?"
I sighed through my nose, biting my lip. What am going to tell her? I didn't want to lie to Annabeth...
Making a split-second decision, I said "Percy Jackson joined the army a century ago, as for your friend Leo... I do not know."
A hope-filled expression filled her features, brightening her face. I smiled, though I knew she couldn't see me.
"Oh, how is he? Is he all right? Why didn't he message me? Is he coming back?" Annabeth shot at me.
"Percy's doing great, he's doing fine. Soldiers aren't allowed to contact people on Earth. Chaos thinks the people of Earth would freak out if they knew there are beings outside of Earth. As for coming back... I will try to convince him after the war."
Annabeth's eyes shone with joy. "Really?! Would you do that for me? Thank you so much!" She hugged me, making my heart flutter. "I miss him so much... "
She sighed. "I better get going... it's late, I don't want to get eaten by harpies if I get caught, thanks again!"
I watched as her figure disappeared into the forest. She still feels the same way.. I thought. For the first time!in a century, my heart felt lighter.
As if on cue, Luke appeared crawling out of his tent looking like he just woke up-which he did. "Hey, man, get some sleep, I'll take second watch."
Hey guys. Guess who's back? That's right me!!!!!
Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I had school with STARR testing for reading and I have EOC coming up. Anyways, it will be a while until I update because the next part has the prophecy and I need to fix it to fit the plot.
What would you guys think if I had a YouTube channel? Would you want me to make one, what do u want me to do, would you subscribe to it? Tell me in the comments. Until then...
Words: 1115
Published: April 9, 2016

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