Chapter Four - Feel Me

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Ominis' POV

"Uhhh mornings are the worst." I hear Sebastian groan from his bed.

I open my eyes, readying myself to prepare for the day. "It's odd hearing you speak this early, getting up on time to see a certain Slytherian at breakfast?" I tease, knowing him attending breakfast except for the first day back is a rare occasion.

"Ha-ha, you're so funny." I can hear him roll off the bed with a thud and head towards his wardrobe. "What's that?"

"I obviously can't see what you are pointing at. Can you be a bit more specific?" I roll my eyes, hoping he sees my irritation.

"The gift wrapped thing on the end of your bed?"

"There's something on my bed?" I begin to move down feeling around with my hand.

"Looks like your owl dropped by last night."

Hmm who would have sent me something? I hear Sebastian exit the room, assuming he's going to take a quick shower.

My fingers finally come in contact with the item. It feels like a gift bag? Opening the top, I touch a thick paper envelope. Moving to reach for my wand on the nightstand, my fingers brush across the paper and I feel a familiar touch. "O"

It's Braille.

Tracking the item in my hands, my heart begins to pound in my chest. The front of this envelope has 'OMINIS' written on it. And I can actually read it! This is incredible. Someone took the time to do this...for me?

I open the envelope carefully, not wanting to damage the precious note. As I unfold the letter I start laughing under my breath. It's also written in Braille, but the spacing is a mess and the lines are horribly slanted. It's an absolute disaster to read, but I've never been so thrilled to read something before.

Dear Ominis,

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to escort me around Hogsmeade this evening. I know I am a lot sometimes and your patience with me was admirable. I also wanted to once again apologize for stabbing you upon our first interaction. If you need more pain medicine please let me know and I will get it for you!

I couldn't sleep so I decided to use my purchase from Honeydukes. I hope you enjoy!


PS: I still find it utterly absurd that you think Black Licorice is the best candy. There are just so many better options!

I re-read the note a few more times... how did she even do this? She didn't even know what Brialle was last night.

At this point I don't even care what's in the bag, this note was enough for me to forgive her for stabbing me a thousand times. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. After a few more minutes of just holding the letter with an idiotic grin covering my face, I finally put the letter down and pull out the contents of the gift bag.

"Ohhh cupcakes!" Sebastian says, strolling back into the room grabbing one of the desserts from the case I am holding.

"What the hell?! Those are mine!"

"Oh come on, there are two of them. Sharing is caring, Ominis."

"Fine." Y/N did probably make two thinking Sebastian would want one... so thoughtful.

"Eww! Who the fuck makes a black licorice cupcake?!"

That's what she bought at Honeydukes? I thought she got chocolate frogs. Why would she buy my favorite candy? I pick up the cupcake and take a bite. Savoring every flavor and texture.

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now