Chapter Twenty One - You Owed Me This

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***Trigger warning!!!!***
Sexual assault/Non consent in this chapter

Ominis' POV

Walking through Hogsmeade, I feel a bit odd. Why did Augustus Hill want me to come to Gladrags? Sebastian, Amit, and I already planned on going tomorrow so why write to me asking to come after the girls had their appointments?

Approaching the shop it is very crowded. Filled with at least 20 other students scrambling to find the perfect outfit.

"Ah, Mr. Gaunt! Please, please, come here!" I feel Mr. Hill grab my arm quickly as he escorts me to a backroom I was unaware even existed. Thank goodness it's at least quieter in here. "Thank you for arriving so quickly!"

"Your owl did seem to express urgency."

"That it did! However, I will need you to wait here for a few moments while I finish up with some other clients. The sudden wave of purchases for the Ball is a bit hectic to say the least. Please feel free to look around a bit, I do have some suits in this room if you want to try anything on while you wait."

He quickly exits back to the front of the shop. I lift my wand, extending it to examine my surroundings a bit. It seems to be filled with racks of clothing, or maybe just fabric? I let my hand roam over some of the material taking in the feel of it.

The door behind me opens once again. That was fast.

"Oh, hello. Sorry to interrupt. I didn't realize someone was back here." The voice is of an older man.

"Not interrupting at all, Sir. I am just waiting for Mr. Hill to return."

"Well, then we shall wait together it seems." I hear him pull out a chair and sit. Using my wand I can tell there is a small table with two chairs. I walk over and sit in the other. "So what in the hell is going on that has this place so busy today?" He chuckles as he speaks.

"Hogwarts will be having a ball soon."

"Ah! Explains all the giggles in the other room then." We sit in silence for a moment. Surprisingly it isn't awkward, I'm very relaxed. "So are you here for a suit then?"

"I'm honestly not sure." I laugh. Why am I here? "I was planning on coming in tomorrow, but Mr. Hill requested I come tonight. Did not provide any further explanation though."

"Hmmm that is odd. But you will need a suit..." I hear him stand and walk over to the racks. "What color are you and your date going to be wearing?"

I naturally stand up and follow him over to the rack. "We'll be going with a deep green."

"Ah! A beautiful color!" He takes a few items off the racks and then lays them on the table. "It is important for a gentleman to always look his best. Many think it is the woman's job to dress up and look beautiful, but let's be honest, women were created perfect. They don't need to do anything." Y/N truly is perfect. "We men however, we need to step up our game." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and shakes me a bit as he chuckles. "Even though you cannot see, I'm sure your girl is beautiful, right?"

I let out a laugh. "Oh, she is beyond perfect."

"That's a good man!" He slaps the back of my shoulder. "I laid out a few things I personally like, it never hurts to hear others' opinions, right? If she is going with an all green dress then I think focusing on black or even a very dark gray would be best. You can then add a green vest or tie to bring in her colors."

I place my hand on the items in front of me feeling the fabric. "Which is this one?"

"That is a dark gray button up, pair it with a nice coat and vest and BOOM you're in business. There's a changing screen back there if you want to try it on." He hands me the shirt and a few more pieces of clothing.

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now