Chapter Seventeen - Roomies Once Again

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Trigger warning! Chapter discusses abuse, murder, and violent themes.


Oh this is terrifying. I don't even know where to begin.

"Take your time, Love. No rush to find the right words." He runs his hands through my hair. It's so calming. Fuck I love him so much. I'm ready for him to know everything about my past.

"Well, my father was a bad person. A really bad person." I take a deep breath. "He ran a large crime network. It was common knowledge that he was the leader, but the cops could never pin him down. He always had a fall guy, countless loyalists who would do anything for him." I stop talking, I can feel my hands starting to shake. "I never understood how they could be so loyal to a monster."

"What business was he in exactly?" He takes my hand in his.

"Tourcher." The words come out as a whisper.


"He was skilled at getting information out of people. His larger organization dealt with smuggling, but I never saw much of that side. He and his inner circle were hired to collect information mostly."

"I see."

"He would take me on jobs with him. Tell me he was preparing me for the family business. I had to watch as he would hurt them. As he would break them. And even after they'd given him what he wanted, he'd still slice open their throats."

"Fuck, Y/N." He pulls me closer to him. His skin against mine is calming. Breathe. You can keep going.

"My mother, Sibyl. She wasn't mean, she just didn't care." Tears start falling as I think of my mother. "She didn't want to be a mother, didn't want to be married. She would just leave me alone anytime my father was gone. I only found out after she died that she was sneaking off to see another man." Deep breath. Deep breath. Come on Y/N. "She got pregnant. By the other man. My father found out and...."

I can't bring myself to say it. The image that haunts my dreams every night.

"It's okay, don't push yourself." He kisses my head. He's here with me, I'm safe. I can open up to him. I'm safe.

"I was in my room when I heard the yelling. I walked out into the living room to see him have her by the throat screaming in her face. I couldn't make out what they were saying, I was too scared to focus." Deep breath. "She started turning purple, I'd seen him do this to others. I didn't want her to die...I ran up and pulled at his other arm. He swiped me off...I didn't even see the knife in his hand. I didn't even feel it cut me until the blood started pooling in my eye."

He raises his hand to trace my scar on my face. "Oh Y/N..."

"I couldn't do anything, I just stood there and watched as he took the knife and stabbed her over and over and over." Tears start pouring out of my eyes. "He wanted to make sure the baby was dead..." I'm sobbing trying to catch my breath....."When she fell on the ground she looked at me, she reached out to me. And I did nothing but cry!" I feel panic start to consume me.

"Hey, hey, look at me, there is nothing you could have done." I look up into his foggy beautiful eyes. Like me he blames himself for his past. Different journeys, but same trauma to carry. We were just kids, we couldn't have stopped our parents...but how can I let go of this guilt?

"Sharp stopped him." I whisper.

"What?" I hear the confusion in his voice.

"He was the Auror who came to the house that night. He was the one who finally put him away."

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