Chapter Six - Mink Jr!

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This past week has been rather boring. At the start of week two I was bombarded with piles of homework and what seems to be endless reading assignments. Lex is so lucky! She's always been naturally brilliant. She could make a passing score without even studying if she wanted.

I sigh loudly and let out a big yawn as I walk through the halls towards the DADA classroom. At least I get to see Ominis for my next two classes.

I haven't been able to get him out of my head since we met. It honestly scares me a bit just how much time I spend thinking about him. Merlin I'm pathetic...

Looking around the room as I enter, I am the first one to arrive. Taking my normal seat, I pull out my textbook reviewing the material we were instructed to read before class.

"Looking lovely as ever, Y/L/N." I look up to see a familiar redhead has taken a seat on top of my desk with his feet resting on Lex's chair.

"Thank you, Garreth." I smile politely.

"I think we might be pairing off for some practice in class today..." He trails off a bit, a blush covering his cheeks. Oh no, is he gonna ask to be my partner? "Would you maybe want to help me practice? I mean, I know that Lex is in this class so you probably want to be with her, but with her skill level she probably would be better off with Sallow... I'm not saying you're a BAD dueler though!!!! Just that your level is probably closer to mine!" He's bright red now and appears worried that he may have offended me.

He is sweet... And it might help me to practice with someone who isn't as perfect as Lex is... "Sure, Weasley. We can work together if we are put in pairs today."

What is this? As soon as the words leave my mouth this feeling appears in the pit of my stomach. What is this?!?!

Why am I thinking about Ominis right now? Why am I worried about what he thinks of me pairing off with Garreth? It's just for class, it's not like a date... I mean even if it was, it's not like I'm dating Ominis so I shouldn't care. Why do I care?! Why am I thinking about him again?!

"Brilliant!" Weasley's words bring me back to reality. "So do you think Lex would be mad if I stole her seat?" He grins at me while lowering himself off the desk to sit next to me.

"Fuck off Weasley." Lex's sharp tone rings though the nearly empty classroom as my three favorite Slytherins walk in.

"Ohh come on, Lex! Y/N here was just saying how she'd like some one on one practice with me so figured we get started early." Putting his arm around me, he winks. WHAT?! I never said that! Don't say that! Not with Ominis right there! Damn! Why am I thinking of Ominis again?!

I narrow my eyes and try my best to make my tone sound aggressive, I've never been very good at that. "Garreth Weasley. Get your arm off me right now."

He looks at me a little taken back. Lex and Sebastian also look a little surprised but also proud. Ominis, however, looks furious... he looks as mad as he did when I got caught by Peevees in the library.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It was a joke I didn't mean..."

"I didn't find it funny." I snapped quickly. Why am I so upset? He didn't really even do anything wrong. He was just trying to make a joke. What's wrong with me?! My thoughts aren't making sense!

"I'm sorry. Lex, you can have your seat back." Garreth speaks softly to my sister before grabbing his bag and moving to his normal seat across the room.

Lex quickly slides next to me and leans in to whisper, looking concerned. "What the hell happened when you were alone? Did he do something?"

"No, no. He didn't do anything." I turn back to look at Ominis behind us. Oh Merlin, what is he doing to me? How can I have such strong feelings already?! Maybe it's just from my lack of sleep? Yeah, must be! I'm just sleep deprived and confused!

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now