Chapter Sixteen - Next Customer!

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Lex's POV

We grab the last of our bags off the carriage as we arrive in Hogsmeade. My plan is brilliant!

"Why do you have so many bags, Anne?!" Sebastian complains while trying to pick up the 5 bags she brought.

"I've been gone a whole year! I have to look my best!"

I approach the house and knock on the door, laughing at the bickering taking place behind me. The normally angry professor answers the door looking much more relaxed and dare I say happy?

"Lex! Great to see you." His tone is cheerful. Y/N's happiness really is contagious.

"You as well, Sharp! I really appreciate you taking us in a bit earlier than expected."

"Not a problem. I know Y/N will be thrilled to see you. Her shift at Pippins doesn't end for another two hours so feel free to make yourselves comfortable." He gestures for me to come inside as I hear him greet the others, "Anne, Welcome. Sebastian, please help the girls carry their items upstairs." Suddenly his tone shifts back to the harsh professor we are all familiar with. "Gaunt, I'd like a word with you in the kitchen...privately." Ohhh shit!!!!

Sebastian, Anne, and I all look at one another nervous for our friend.

"Oh course, Professor." Ominis replies calmly as he follows him into the kitchen. Ohh I wish I could stay here to eavesdrop!

Pulling me up the stairs, I follow Anne into the small bedroom that has been painted a light green. There are pages of Braille all over a small desk of letters both too and from Ominis. The small bed is neatly made with her green haired unicorn sitting atop the pillow. I wish I could give her a big hug right now.

"I know I said I wanted to wait and surprise her when she gets home, but what do you think about visiting her at work?" I look at Anne and Sebastian hopefully. I didn't realize how much I missed her until seeing the place she's been staying.

"Of course we can." Sebastian comes and kisses my head.

We drop off the bags quickly as we head back down stairs slowly and quietly, hoping to catch a bit of the conversation. Unfortunately as we reach the bottom of the stairs, Ominis is already headed towards us. Damn, we missed it.

"Already unpacked?" He seems a bit confused.

"Change of plans! Lex here realized she doesn't want to wait another second without seeing Y/N so we are going to stop into Pippins after we drop off our bags at the Three Broomsticks."

"I love that idea." His smile returns at the prospect of being near Y/N again.

"While you ladies are gone I will get the additional mattresses into the room for you." Sharp adds as we exit.

Taking the side entrance into the Three Broomsticks we were able to get to the extra room easily to drop off the boys' bags. As we walk down to the bar to say hi to Sironna, I start to notice the higher than normal number of young men filling the seats.

"Psst, Anne." I whisper.


"Is it just me or -"

"All the hot guys?!" She cuts me off, speaking far louder than she should.

Sebastian flashes me a look and I throw him an eye roll. "I was just going to say 'guys', but yeah, why the hell are they all in Hogsmeade? I mean good for Sirrona, but it seems weird."

Arriving at the bar, Sironna gives us a welcome and warm smile. "Hello there. Great to see you, find the room okay?"

"Yes we did." Ominis says politely. "Thank you for letting us occupy it for the next two weeks until the term begins."

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now