A/N's & Trigger Warnings

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Contains themes dealing with abuse, sexual assault, murder, mental health and just overall there are some pretty dark backstories are referenced. All chapters that dive into these will be marked with a warning at the top!

Final Comment is a ***spoiler alert*** about the ending!!!! Only read below if you want to know if ending is happy or tragic.... (I get too many messages asking me about this so I am just including it here.)






This does have a happy ending, as do all my other stories! I need my characters to find love and actually live, so I will share that as you read even though you may cry, know they do make it through. I know I've been burned before by reading long stories just to be left devastated, and I just can't handle the tragic endings some people write (I'm such a Hufflepuff lol).

Thank you all for reading!!! Please remember to like and comment if you enjoy :)

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now