Chapter Twenty - Getting Caught

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Sebastian's POV

To say January was a blur is an understatement. As soon as Christmas holiday was over, the weeks started flying by. "I can't believe it's already February 1st."

"Well believe it, Sallow. You better plan to step up your game for how you're gonna ask Lex to the ball." Fuck! I still have no idea what I'm gonna do.

"Any ideas, Imelda?" I flash her a hopeful look.

She rolls her eyes at me as Anne comes out and joins us in the common room. "And what have you done to annoy her this morning?"

"Oh just his existence and face is plenty to annoy me, but dummy here isn't sure how he's going to ask Lex to the Valentines Ball yet."

"Oh, yeah you better come up with something good! Girl like her needs something over the top and special!"

"Ughhh but what?! I'm awful at planning things." I rub my hands through my hair in frustration.

"Where is she anyways?" Anne looks around.

"She went ahead with Ominis and Y/N. You two were taking too long." I nudge my sisters shoulder.

"It takes time to look this good!" She gestures to herself and Imelda.

"That is does!" I hear a thick accent say from behind me. Annes face immediately turns pink.

"Amadi, you don't need to lie to them." I chuckle as I turn to see the seventh-year. He's nice, but something about him gets on my nerves. It could be how he flirts with Anne...Or how Lex has stated how attractive she finds him...Stupid handsome seventh-year.

"I would never lie to you, Ms. Sallow." He winks as he passes her. Ughhh eww.

As he leaves I turn back to see Anne still frozen and red faced. "Merlin, Anne! Pull yourself together." I grab her and Imelda's hands as I drag them from the common room.

Entering the great hall, I lock eyes with Lex as she cocks her head and waves to me. I have no idea how I pulled off dating her. I walk over, giving her a kiss as I take the seat next to her. "Anything good this morning?"

"Well I went with a classic, eggs and toast." She lifts up a piece of her jam covered toast offering me a bite. I gladly accept.

"Mmmm delicious. Work hard making that did you?"

"Oh I nearly exhausted myself over this butter knife spreading the jam, Mr. Sallow."

"Ew, stop being all cute!" Imelda cuts in as she sits next to Lex. "Where is KlutzyPuff and Gaunt? I thought they joined you."

"Oh, yeah I'm pretty sure they ran off for some one on one time."

"How do they have the energy?" Anne shakes her head.

"Blame this time on Y/N. Ominis got mad at some fourth year for bumping into her on the way here. He yelled at the guy for not apologizing and clearly she enjoyed his intensity as she was waving me off rather quickly saying she'd meet us here a little later."

"Oh their ears must have been burning! Here they come now."

"Have a fun detour on your way to breakfast, KlutzyPuff?"

"Ohh VERY fun!" She nudges Ominis' arm as he rolls his eyes. At least he doesn't blush quite as much as he used to. He's way more confident now.

"Let's change subjects, shall we? Sebastian, how is your morning?"

"Oh Omi, definitely not as good as yours." Laughter breaks out from our whole group, including Y/N, as his face now turns red.

"Excuse me, excuse me. Please bring your attention to me!" Silence falls on the hall as heads turn toward headmaster Black. "As it is the first of February, I am pleased to announce that we will once again resume the Valentines Ball this year...HOWEVER, if there are any destructive pranks between now and the ball, it WILL be canceled."

Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora