Chapter Twenty Five - Emmet Wolfe

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*** Trigger Warning***

This Chapter details the mind of someone with severe mental illness and delusional thoughts. Please be cautious reading if it could be triggering for you!

Emmet Wolfe's POV

"Looks like you've seen better days."The familiar voice cuts through the darkness of my cell.

It takes every ounce of energy I have to pry my crusted eyes open. Behind the thick metal bars I see one of my best loyalists. "Erik?" My voice is raspy. I can't even remember the last time I spoke. This prison truly is hell.

"Evening, Boss."

I manage to stand and make my way over towards the cell door. As I walk I can feel my energy build a bit more. Good, just needed to get moving. I let my trademark smile come across my face as I lean against the bars. "And to what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

"Can't swing in just to see my mentor?"

"You were always a horrible liar." But he was one of my best killers and a loyal fool.

"That I am. You will be interested in the news I've brought."

What news of the outside world could cause him to risk a visit with me? "Do tell."

"I happened to be traveling through Hogsmeade after I finished a job and I met a quite remarkable young woman."

"Oh, so you're in love? Hate to say I don't think I'll make it to the wedding." My laugh echoes through the halls of Azkaban.

"Oh no wedding for me, friend. You see this young woman was working as a shop girl and had nearly every man's attention with her striking E/C eyes."

My little wolf? "Y/N?" I grip the bars in front of me.

"She's attending Hogwarts, working at a shop this summer." He lets out a heavy breath and lowers his voice. "But she's living with the blasted Auror who put you in here...Aesop Sharp."

I cannot control my rage, I stick my hands through the bars and within a second I have Erik by the throat. "What did you just fucking say?"

He's gasping for air under my grip. " him."

I release his throat and he falls to the ground. "What else?" clutches his throat while trying to catch his breath. "WHAT ELSE?!" I watch the fear cross his eyes. Good. You should always fear what I might do. Live in fear of disappointing me.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't have any other information."

"You will go back to Hogsmeade, you will find out everything you can about my daughter, you will kill anyone who gets in your way, AND if you sense she is in any danger you WILL keep her safe. Report back to me once you have news."

Head down, he remains kneeling in front of my cell. "Understood, Sir."


My sense of time here is always off, but since Erik visited somehow the hours have drawn out into full days.

I need to know my little wolf is okay.


I want to see her. I need to apologize.

I never meant to hurt her.


Will she forgive me?

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