Chapter Twenty Three - Hunt for a Home

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Waking up Saturday morning I felt a new excitement in the air. I lift my head to see Ominis resting peacefully, his arm draped over my waist. I lean forward as I start placing kisses along his neck attempting to wake him slowly.

After my 5th kiss his hand starts moving down my body to cup my butt and pulls me against him. "Mmmm good morning, Love." Awww he sounds so sleepy. How is he this cute?!

"You ready for today?" the excitement in my voice is not hidden.

"Hm? What's today?" He asks grinning.

"Haha, so funny." I stick my tongue out at him. Wait, he can't see that. "I'm being sarcastic." I clarify.

He starts laughing and pulls my face up to give me a kiss, "You are adorable."

"But you are excited too, right? If you wanted to back out you still could. I would completely underst-"

"I am beyond excited for today. And I'm not backing out." He flashes another grin at me. "You're going to be permanently stuck with me after today."

'Permanently.' I love it! The next step for us to take as we build our life together.

I get dressed at lighting speed, eager to get to Gringotts ASAP so we can officially start our house hunt. Lex luckily was an absolute magician and organized 6 tours for us today within 3 different hamlets. Ominis of course approved of all the locations first, as safety seemed to be his biggest concern. I understand paranoia is still strong, but since Ominis joined our house hunt group I've been feeling better and better each day.

I'll always have him with me. Every night...every morning...he'll always be here to protect and comfort me.

"I'm gonna go make sure Lex is getting dressed!" I call as I slip out of our dorm.

"Morning, Y/N!" Anne calls from a sofa.

"What are you doing up?" She's the only person in the common room this early on a weekend.

"Ahh yeah, I slept out here last night. Imelda" She giggles.

"Ms. Valentine I presume?" A few days after the ball Charlotte confessed to Imelda. Told her how confused she was and she only had said yes to her date because she was unsure of her feelings AND because he asked her in front of everyone.

"Mhmm!" Yay! I'm so happy for her.

"Surprised you didn't ask Amadi if you could crash in his bed." I flash her a wink as I skip off to the female dorms, knowing she was about to rip me a new one for that comment.

I walk up to the door knocking loudly. "ALEXANDRAAAA WAKE UPPP!!!!"

The door opens slowly as a groggy Lex glares at me. "What the fuck, Y/N?"

"Good morning!!!!! Are you ready to go to the bank?"

"Do I look ready?" I look her up and down to see her in PJ's with her hair unbrushed.

"I mean, it's not like you have to dress up for the bank."

"Can you two just go so I can sleep in a bit more? It's not like I have to be there."

"But it would be your first time going too! You really want to miss it?!"

"It's a bank, Y/N....not exactly something I'm losing my mind over. I'm fine skipping and just meeting you all in Irondale later." Damnit, I wanted to spend the day with her too.

"Okay, we'll meet you there later. Tours start at noon, right?"

"Yeah. I'll see you there, Y/N."


Hogwarts Legacy: a Slytherpuff Story - Ominis Gaunt x Female MCWhere stories live. Discover now