Ch. 4: The Memory of Samuel

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It was early in the morning; the sun had not yet come up. Stardust pushed her way out of the bundle of her surviving brothers and sister. her 3 siblings wouldn't even notice she was gone. Stardust slipped out of the den hopping she didn't wake her parents, or her siblings. Stardust sat at the boarder of the territory staring into the Junction territory. She saw yellow glowing eyes in the territory and started to back away. "It's just me." A black pup said emerging where Stardust could see him. She sighed relieved. "Who are you?" The pup asked tilting his head. "Im Stardust," Stardust answered, "Who are you?" "I'm Samuel." The black pup answered. "Why are you out here?" Samuel asked staring at her. "Eh, my sister and brothers can be a little too much sometimes," Stardust said almost whispering, "What about you?" "I come here at the boarder every night, to escape my big family, 3 older brothers and 7 siblings and a mom and dad, can be too much, I occasionally see you here, but today I decided to talk to you. Last time I saw you, you looked upset." "I was upset the last time I was here because I lost my playmate Riley, and June, Mike, and Jake were swarming me that time, and today because we lost another sibling, her name was Julia, The Death Pack took her." Stardust said skewing her ears. "How about we come here every night, to talk to each other?" Samuel suggested. "Oh, I don't know, that sounds like breaking rules, doesn't it?" Stardust said lifting her head. "I don't think it's against the rules, it's never against the rules with a friend!" Samuel said lifting his head. "Oh, ok! I'll be here tomorrow." Stardust said with a glimmer in her eyes.

Stardust and Samuel have been meeting each other secretly for a few weeks, but one day Stardust's dad surprised them. "We are moving dens!" He exclaimed. Stardust's eyes widened. "Were?" Stardust asked. "Deeper in our territory, we found the PERFECT den earlier today." Stardust's mom said. "When will we move?" Stardust asked. "Tomorrow, so we can stay for 1 more night." Stardust's dad answered. It took FOREVER to turn night. Stardust again slipped out of the den to the edge of her territory, Samuel was waiting for her. Stardust's eyes looked sad, and her ears were skewed to the side. "What's wrong?" Samuel asked concerned for his friend. "We are moving dens deeper into the territory, so I can't meet you anymore." Stardust said her voice wavering. "Oh." Samuel stated skewing his ears to the side. Samuel and Stardust, tried to have fun and for the first time, Samuel entered Stardust's den, but soon the time to say goodbye came and Stardust left never to see Samuel again in his youth. As Stardust left her den for the last time to move dens, she looked back at the territory boarder and saw Samuel mouthing goodbye, with his ears to the side. "Goodbye." Stardust said out loud. "Don't miss the den dear." Her dad said. Stardust was glad her parents' eyesight was poor, and took one last glance at Samuel, not knowing what bad fate they had in the future.

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