Chapter 3 ~ The Concert

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Play this song when ever you want to XD

Your POV
'I'm totally going to get fired' I thought as I walked back into the small coffee shop.

I couldn't believe that I let a total stranger take the suit. How was he going to repay me back?! He doesn't even know my name.

Pissed off by his attitude, I stomp into the employees room and change into my work clothes. Then walking out, taking orders for customers.

"F/n? Aren't you suppose to be in your cute little bear costume?" Sasha asks

"Levi Ackerman took it so he could get away from his annoying fans" I replied, Sasha begins laughing hysterically.

"That's a funny joke" she says, clutching her stomach, still laughing.

I roll my eyes and hand her a paper that Levi signed. She takes one glance at it and her eyes widened.

"H-How? W-What? Where?!" Sasha yells, I cover her mouth, trying not to draw attention from the customers.

"I don't get why girls like him. He's a total jerk" I said sternly

Sasha pry my hand off her mouth and speaks "That's the reason why fans love him! He's cool and mysterious!" She says

I shrug, showing that I didn't care.
"By the way. Do you know where I can find him? He left something behind and I have to give it back to him" I asked Sasha. She thinks for a while then gasps at an idea.

"I have two tickets and back stage passes for Hatsune Miku concert! Levi is going to be there!" Sasha exclaims, I smile at her.

"When did you get Hatsune Miku tickets?" I asked her

Sasha blushes slightly and scratches her head. "They were for your birthday" she says, I give her a big hug and we grin at each other.

Hatsune Miku was one of my favorite pop stars and Sasha knew how much I loved her songs.

~Time Skip~

It was the day of the concert of Hatsune Miku and Levi was going to be attending for some reason.

"Wow! You really got us good seats Sasha!" I said and playfully elbowed her. She suddenly blushes and plays with her hair.

"I-I know a friend who works in the music company" She stutters

I was going to ask who was her friend but the lights began to dim and Hatsune Miku walked on the stage, singing "The World Is Mine"

After Hatsune Miku sang a couple of songs then there was a intermission.

"Come on F/n!" Sasha pulled my arm so we can go backstage and meet Levi.

"I can walk myself Sasha! Stop pulling my arm!" I shouted at her. But Sasha did the exact opposite. She pulled on my arm again, making me trip over a cord. We both fell down...

I was expecting my face to land on the cement ground but something held my waist. I opened my eyes, finding emerald eyes staring at me.

"I-I'm sorry!" I stammered then standing up and bowing down. I looked at Sasha who was caught by a man with a shaved head.

"Connie?!" She stammered and her face became pink.

"Sasha?" Connie face became pink also

Sasha jumped out of Connie's arms with a flush face. Her gazed stopped at the man who saved me from falling.

"Y-Your Eren jaeger!" She shouted

"Yea" Eren scratches his head "Nice to meet you Sasha. Connie has been telling me a lot about you" Eren shakes hands with Sasha.

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