Chapter 10 ~ Double

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Don't play song until I tell you to

Your POV


Levi looked at me in disbelief.

"Gumi liked to sing sad and heartbreak songs, so in order to create a heart break song. I had to experience heartbreak" I said coldly

"So you would break your heart for just a song?" Levi said coldly

"And to let go of that person" I added and shuffled my paper into a neat pile.
"It's funny because I hate that person but I still love them for a damn reason no matter how hard I hate them" I smacked down my fist on the table.

"Who is that person?"

I scoffed "It doesn't matter anymore, I'll know that he's in a different world and he'll never love me back" I said

"Why are you asking me these questions? Shouldn't you be with Petra?" I snapped

"Tch, I came cause I thought you couldn't finish a measly song" Levi said and leaned in the wall

"You thought wrong, I can finish a song without a your help" I said harshly and stood up with papers in my hand.

"Excuse me now Mr. Ackerman. I have an appointment with Ms. Miku" I said and walked towards the door.


I stopped in front of the door, not looking back at him.

"Why did you want me and Petra to confess each other when you already finish the song" he demanded more than asked.

I turned around. "I told you. It's a heartbreak song" I smiled weakly and walked out the door.

In the hallway I was meeted by Gumi. Suddenly Gumi walked up to me and hugged me.

"G-Gumi?! What's wrong?" I said

"I'm so sorry... I know you had your heart broken that's how you made this beautiful song" Gumi said softly

I couldn't hold back anymore. The tears came out and I hugged Gumi back.

"I-It felt so painful" I sobbed, Gumi stroked my hair and patted my back.

"I know who you were talking about in the song" Gumi said, my eyes widened. "H-How?" I said

"The way you your eyes looked at Levi. It was full of hate but you still love him, don't you F/n?" Gumi said into my ear

"I-I just can't stop loving him no matter how much I try to hate him" I confessed

"Shhh it's fine but I think you should confess to Levi that you love him" Gumi said and stared softly into my eyes.

"I-I don't think I have the courage to do it" I looked down

"Hey, I know you can do it" Gumi said and pulled me into another hug. "You should go now or Miku is going to be waiting too long"

"T-Thanks Gumi" I smiled

"Here's my number, if you need some help or just need someone, I'm there" Gumi smiled and patted my head

I took the the piece of paper and pulled her into another hug. "Thank you so much" I said and we smiled at each other.

I quickly walked to room where I was going to meet Hatsune Miku.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Miku! I was having problems with the studio but it's fixed now" I smiled and shook her hand

"It's alright! And I just love your songs!"

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