Chapter 13 ~ I Miss You

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Your POV
"What's wrong" Levi placed his hand on my shoulder

I showed Levi the message, his eyes widened.


Another message came from the unknown person.

Unknown number: Shit sorry, wrong number

I laughed, glad that someone wasn't really threatening me. Levi rolled his eyes and flicked my head again, then pulling me into another hug.

"I won't let anybody hurt you" he said and stroke my hair.

"I know" I said and nuzzled into his chest.

"And I'm going to be in China tomorrow for a whole week" Levi said

"Oh for what?" I asked

"A couple scenes for the second season of Attack on Titan" he replied. "You're not going to be lonely, are you?" He asked

"Oh I am" I said. Levi's face softens and sadness shines a little in his eyes.

"Aweee" I said in his cuteness and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. "Promise to call me every day?" I said

"Promise" he said and kissed my head.

"By the way, what time is it?" I asked and looked at my phone. "We watched Attack on Titan for the whole day!" I exclaimed

"Tch, it's fine. As long as I'm with you" Levi said

I blushed at his words. "I... Er better get back home" I said, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

"I'm hungry for shit, let's get something to eat first" Levi said and walked out of the room.

I walk after him but ended up being lost in the hallways of the huge mansion.

"Where's GPS when you need one" I said and opened a door. I turned on the lights and gasped.

A grand piano was sitting in the middle of the room and around it were instruments that you could ever think of.

On the other side was a doorway. I curiously walked in and saw a room with a mirror wall. I was guessing that was where Levi would practice dancing.

"This is where you are brat"

I turned around and saw Levi with a pissed off expression.

"It's not my fault I got lost in your huge house" I said and ran up to him, holding his hand.

"Tch, dinner is ready" he said and guided me through the hallways and to a room where it had a sparkling kitchen and a table that was full of food.

"It looks delicious" I said as I sat down. "Did you make it Levi?" I asked

Levi nods his head and takes a bite. I take a bite and moan at the savoring flavors and spices.

~Time Skip~

"Thank you for dinner Levi" I said and washed my plate twice so he wouldn't complain. "I should be going now, it's getting late" I said and reached my hand for the doorknob to outside.

My body was suddenly lifted into the air.

"No" Levi said huskily into my ear and carried me through his house.

"L-Levi?!" I said

"You're sleeping here with me. Tch, I want to be with your ass before I leave to China tomorrow" Levi said bluntly

I smirked. "I thought you said I had a flat ass" I raised my eyebrows at him

"Tch shut up" he said and opened a door. I'm the room was a king sized bed with a large walk in closet and a bathroom.

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