1. "kenny's girl"

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alexa, play "Jessie's girl", by Rick Springfield
      Word Count: 2181

     you slowly wake to the annoying sound of your alarm. after a few snoozes, you begin to rise and coo your dogs downstairs. you move through the large house, and snuck passed your sleeping mother, who is knocked out on the couch, liquor bottles strewn throughout the living room.

       you feed your dogs, Zeppelin and Zephyr, but not yourself. after you finish showering, you creep into your little sister's room to wake her up. you slightly tap on the door, then peak it open.

       "lily, it's time to get up", you almost whispered. she groaned, and barely rolled over.

       "just like.. a couple more minutes", she mumbled.

       "I got shit to do, get ready", you said quietly, but a bit more harshly, while smacking her light switch to the on side.

        you finished getting ready and were about to leave, when you realized lily still wasn't up.

        omg, this kid, you thought, while tipping your head back in annoyance. you found and empty plastic water bottle and walked upstairs, back to her room.

     "what the hell!" lily sleepily yelled as she felt the water bottle smack into her face.

      "Seriously dude? we're leaving, either go to school like that or get ready fast". with that, you closed the door and waited for her downstairs, snagging a redbull and sitting down at the table to avoid your mom. you aimlessly scrolled through your phone, ignoring messages, as you sipped the drink.

         you didn't like being mean to your sister, but it was kinda how you both were raised. besides, sometimes she needed the extra encouragement. Miraculously, she came dashing down the stairs about 15 minutes. about damn time.

       "we're late, grab something quick to eat then we out this bitch", you instructed her. as she grabbed a muffin, you grabbed your keys and headed out to your truck. it wasn't anything special; a single cab Ford with a bench seat and a large bed. (I would let you pick your car but this is crucial to the plot)

        your grandpa gave it to you at the end of your sophomore year, and you would take anything as long as it ran. besides, you were more of a truck girl anyways.

       both you and Lily jumped in, you struggled to start the old Ford, and then you were off to the school. your favorite part of the ride was passing your old bus stop, where you used to stand in middle school with Stan, Kyle, Kenny and cartman. it was fun back then, and you missed it. sometimes some of them would still go to the bus stop when they didn't have rides, and cartman and Kenny don't even have cars yet. you doubted Kenny would be getting one anytime soon anyways...

      since you were almost 20 minutes late, you didn't get to do your daily drive by flipping off of whatever friend was at the bus stop, or receive the occasional cat-call from Kenny.

        you sped down the old backroads, maybe 20 over the speed limit. you made it to the school in about 10 minutes, and dropped your sister off at the middle school first. as she went to leave, you held her back.

       "Hey hey, get back here", you told her, signaling her with your hand. she slowly turned back around, did your secret handshake, then opened the truck door. "love you", you called after her with a smile.

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