13. struck by you

255 7 27

alexa, play "runner", by Alex g

Word Count: 2498

after a short car ride, the only sound being the 60s and 70s music you were blasting, you finally arrived at the school.

the school was bustling with people in your grade and the 2 below you. after parking, you both quickly jumped out of the truck and speed-walked to the building to catch up with your friends.

as you walked in with only the ginger by your side, you got a few curious looks from people you knew.

you strode into the gym to find your friends, even Kyle's long legs stretching to keep pace with you.

"y/n!" wendy ran up to you, her heels clacking against the wood floors. kyle stood to the side awkwardly while you embraced and he waited for stan to amble over.

"hi, pretties", you sang. "anything exciting yet?"

"no, but that creepy teacher is here that we're pretty sure is a registered sex offender", she huffed. you looked over to meet eyes with Coach Pedpile; a mangy looking, black shaggy haired man who looked about 30 going on 60.

"ew...", you managed to scoff without hiding your disgust from him. noticing the uncomfortable atmosphere, kyle adjusted himself so he was standing in between you and Coach Pedpile.


after many minutes of greetings, to and from people you barely knew, you and your group had gone into the cafeteria to get some water.

of course the girl with the college boyfriend was there, and you and the girls snickered jokes about her as they walked by.

"is there a problem?" the boyfriend, James, snapped. I swear they couldn't hear us...

"Yeah, we were actually just thinking about one..." you trailed off, weakly pointing to heidi.

"Oh yes, we were just talking about how when you ask girls; 'on a scale of 1-10, you ask how old they are rather than how hot they are", she completed. a few people snorted, and James's face grew red.

"and we all know that your favorite kind of garden is kindergarten", bebe added. the jokes were a bit stretched, but the table was entertained at seeing both of their faces flush with embarrassment and anger.

"ooh, what about what does the tortoise and a pedophile have in common?" nichole chimed in. "they both want to get there before the ha-"

"look, anyone who has a serious issue with our relationship should just face me, instead of being a little bitch", James demanded.

"you really want the entire school on your ass?" cartman laughed.

"the entire school needs to get a life and stay out of ours", the girlfriend, Sarah, whined while clinging onto the 23 year old next to her.

"maybe if you weren't so busy shoving your pedophile boyfriend in our faces we wouldn't have to worry about it." Stan's quick comment caused James to step forward, and a few people in your group to simultaneously slide their chairs back.

"ya know, you have no business telling us what to-"

"Oh my gosh, why don't you go take a seat next to coach pedpile, I'm sure he'll find your minor just as beautiful as you do", you joked sternly and you swore he was about to swing at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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