6. T.W.B.

254 10 71

alexa, play "bound 2", by kanye west
Word Count: 1973

the next day, after routinely dropping your sister off at the middle school, you pulled into the high school parking lot.

you barely listened to whatever drama bebe and wendy were rambling about at your lockers before settling into you bustling homeroom.

when Kenny walked in, fashionably late, he opened his mouth like he was going to say something. instead, he hung his head as he walked past you. your heart dropped a bit, staring to feel remorse for the guy.

it was almost awkward sitting next to him in history, and the rest of the day was just off. however, it almost over, and you were now unfortunately in math with cartman, kyle, Stan, heidi, craig and clyde. the class was an absolute sausage fest and the only ones you could stand were stan, clyde, kyle and craig. you always moved your seat to sit by them; craig was behind you in the corner and kyle was next to him. stan was next to kyle and clyde was in front of him, but the rest of the people you knew were scattered throughout the room.

even more unfortunately, your test results came back today. as your teacher came by with your test, she also slapped a note on top of it.

please come see me when I'm done passing papers

you groaned very audibly and let your forehead fall on the desk. Kyle looked up from his perfect paper to strike you a confused glance as he tried to figure out what happened.

"let me see", craig demanded as he peered over your shoulder. you shot him an angry look as you guarded your paper.

"fuck you too now give it to me", he snapped, still very monotone. Kyle and clyde giggled from their position next to you two as you fought over the paper like siblings.

"craig it's embarrassing!" you protested.

"you say this is embarrassing but you and cartman are able to play 'the penis game' in public places?" he quipped. "that's not embarassing?"

"Yeah, you get it", you sang childishly, finally giving in and letting him have the paper. "and it's not embarasing it's fucking funny. you would get it if you were capable of changing your expression to anything but a serious RBF". he shoved you off with a middle finger and set his eyes on the large 53% that was circled in red pen at the top.

"Jesus, y/n what the hell were you doing all semester?" you groaned again and snatched the paper back. it's not like you were stupid, and you were really good at other subjects, you just didn't get this one. the teacher never explained things in ways that you understood.

it definitely didn't help that everyone was always being distracting during class. not to mention how hard it was for you to sit down and focus on one thing. the school system was definitely b.s.

"clearly not paying attention", craig observed as he watched you flip through the pages.

"no kidding". you sighed as you rested your head on the desk again. Kyle looked at you empatheticly. he wanted to try and reassure you, but he didn't know what to do. next to him, stan scanned his best friends expression, reading it like a book.

"good luck", craig called after you as you got up to go to the teacher's desk. you turned around to look at him with a worried expression while displaying your crossed fingers.

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