2. game on

368 8 93

(I made the meme because I'm so hilarious 😹😹)
alexa, play "one little victory" by rush
Word Count: 2850

     there were only a few hours before your first soccer game of the season. you had been on the varsity team all through high-school, but you were still nervous for some reason. it's not like anyone was coming to watch a girl's soccer game anyways, no one really cared about the girls, unless you were a cheerleader. everyone would be at the football game next to the soccer field.

     it was the boy's first football game this season too, so everyone was amped up. you were kinda sad you wouldn't be able to watch, but at least the party was right after.

       lunch finally rolled around, and you took your usual seat in between wendy and bebe. on either side of them were their boyfriends, then Kyle was across from stan, and next to him was cartman, Heidi and then Kenny.

    you couldn't eat much, as usual. you drank a bunch of caffeine and then ate a few chips. all the boys wanted to talk about was football, and the the girls were chatting about their cheerleading routines.

     "so are you all going to my party tonight?" clyde asked while he poked at his dusgusting school lunch. everyone at the table nodded, besides kyle, who just looked down and chewed his bottom lip.

      "i.. I don't know", he responded quietly.

      "what?! dude.." stan retorted.

      "I don't know, man, you know parties aren't really my thing", he mumbled.

       they argued back and forth for a little bit. Kyle was hesitant to go to the party; he was not about to drag another wasted stan out of a party. it was so embarrassing to him the way his friends acted.
       kenny was known for hooking up with any girl he could, as well as stuffing his nose with white powder. and of course, when you two were "together", all he wanted to do was get you into a room with a lock on the door. and everyone knew.

      stan always got in drunken fights, usually with wendy. cartman was always challenging people to stupid drinking games, which ended horribly. all his friends were absolutely off the rails, and while he enjoyed a few drinks and dancing, knowing that his friends were going to do something stupid seriously bothered him. parties just weren't as fun for him anymore, especially because he was always the designated driver.

      "loosen up a bit, ky". Kyle's heart fluttered at the nickname you used, and your gentle voice. "it's just one party". you stared up at him with pleading eyes. of course you wanted Kyle to go, you were finally becoming friends again. now that he knew you wanted him to go, he considered it.

      "if we both win I'll go", he said finally.

      "deal. shake on it", you said, reaching your hand across the table. he nervously stuck his hand out and grabbed yours softly. butterflies flew in his stomach at the feeling of your hand in his. you smiled slightly as you both dropped your hands down. "game on, mr. broflovski".


       it was finally the end of the day, and you slung your school backpack over your shoulder and held your soccer one, then slammed your locker shut. as you began to walk towards the bathroom to change into your soccer uniform, a familiar group of 5 walked by. you smiled at them as you fell in line next to them.

     "you boys ready for this? Kyle's social life and current level of boringness depends on a win", you teased, glancing up at his flustered face.

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