9. how do i look?

209 6 35

mini kenny shrine until I move all my stuff into my new room lmao

alexa, play "mary", by Alex g
Word Count: 2058


Saturday, 9:10AM

guys we need to do something this weekend!!

homecoming is next weekend so we need to start making plans

my bebe girl😋💕:
yesss we should all go shopping for suits and dresses together

that actually sounds like fun

ofc it does, it was mine and bebes idea

(stan)the man‼️🍻:
r we gonna do anything after??

tolkien got that big ass movie room in his basement 👀

erica cartwoman😔:
ofc u would know that

stay jealous

yeah if it's good w my parents we could probably watch a movie

rich people always cuming in clutch 🙏🏻🙏🏻

kyley jenner🙀📚:
Will you ever not spell it like that?


idk if ill cum


(stan) the man‼️🍻:
what r u gonna wear

no i men lile im not goin to hoco

(stan) the man‼️🍻:
dude what?!

kenny and his friends continued to argue back and forth while everyone else made plans.

bebe found a store in the mall that both the boys and the girls could shop at for whatever they needed, and carpooling was arranged.

tolkien was going to drive his group of friends; clyde, tweek, craig and Jimmy. kyle was driving cartman, Stan, butters and they were going to pick up Kenny before going to tolkien's house.

and finally, wendy agreed to drive the girls since she had the biggest car.

you showered and put on a bit of makeup but didn't over do it. you put on a peel off face mask while brushing and styling your hair and putting on a nice comfy outfit that was easy to slip on and off. ya know, so you could try on dresses quicker.

you packed a small bag with some pajamas and other little essentials so you could be comfortable while watching the movie. not to mention the clothes made it so the liquor bottles in your bag didn't clink while you were walking.

lily was at her friend's for the weekend so you sat with your two dogs while you waited for Wendy's car to pull in. who knew where your 'mom' was.

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