Historical | Story | Writing Buddies

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"Do research they said. It'll be fun they said."

Jules ignored Yuna's laughter and continued to grumble at the blank computer screen.

"But it is fun, I saw you laughing ten seconds ago."

Yuna was absolutely having too much at Jules' expense, though she could hardly blame her wife.

"Well that had been because I thought I finally had found a source with historical accuracy, but alas."

They were both authors, though in very different genres. Jules wrote historical thrillers, and Yuna science fiction novels.

"It is a lot more difficult if you have to do research, you know? Unlike you I can't make up a society and call them 'Passthetea' as you have done before."

Yuna carried the tea tray to where Jules was hunched behind her computer.

"You're doing amazing though, you always do. And after lots of research isn't it much easier to write the story you want to tell? Now come, drink your tea. We're going to the bookstore."

"For fun." She added as if knowing Jules would still look for research material.

"It'll be good for you. Tomorrow will bring a new day, where you can try again."

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