Discord moment

33 4 16


Taen: Sir.

Reruka: Ah, Taen. Back so soon?

Taen: I found something that might interest you.

Reruka: Bring it over and let me look at it.

Taen placed Roggenrola on the table.


Reruka: A roggenrola? Taen, these things are the worst Rock Pokemon variant. Even its final evolved form, Gigalith, is mediocre at best.

Taen: Look closer, Sir. There's something unusual about this one's energy core located inside its ear.

Taen pulled a microscopic magnifying scope and Reruka looked inside his ear.

Reruka: ... Hmm... Interesting... Now what do we have here... Taen, would you hand me a pair of tweezers for an operation?

Taen: No need, sir. I have already conducted my own experimentation. The Roggenrola acted in self-defense because it was in pain. I believe to identify it we must surgically remove its energy core.

Reruka: Remove the energy core? I don't think that's possible with it shoved in there like that... If we did, it would be beyond salvageable and wouldn't be replaced... Sigh... We might have to put this one down.

Roggenrola trembled and stammered in fear... He didn't want to die.

Taen: Sir, before you grab the needle, might I request something? Should I remind you of the time you ordered me to retrieve an energy core from the Tandor region?

Reruka: Excuse me? Oh, wait, you're talking about the nuclear energy core.

Taen: Yes sir. I believe we could replace it with this one and make a delta.

Reruka: Tandor studies have shown back in the historic CURIE incident that pokemon were exposed to the cores radiation and made changes to their whole typing. There's a reason we locked that thing up, Taen. There have been numerous reports of wild Pokemon going feral due to all that radiation.

Taen: Ah, my apologies, Sir. I forgot to mention that, in my analysis, I discovered that this Roggenrola is not wild.

Reruka: Explain yourself.

He lights a cigarette.

Taen: I tried catching it and there was that red force field that prevented capture.

Reruka: Did you snag it?

Taen: It was in a defenseless state of shock. I felt it was unnecessary.

Reruka: Understood. Well in that case it either means it was originally separated from its trainer, or it was released but wasn't registered to do so.


Reruka: Judging by its expression, I would lean on the former myself.

Taen: The point is, if it's been tamed through a bonding friendship with its trainer, itlowers the risk of going feral.

Reruka: You could be onto something.

Taen: And of course, whether it succeeds or fails doesn't matter unless we can retrieve that shard. All I am suggesting is an attempt. If that energy core sits here and radiates until a natural event blows it up, it would be unfortunate.

Reruka: What's so special about a tiny shard?

Taen: Powerscaling is off the charts... A scanner indicates that this Roggenrola is nearing level 150 and that the experience is still increasing. I believe it's an effective tool for our perfection goal.

Pokémon: Delta Desolations (A Pokémon insurgence fic)Where stories live. Discover now