Prologue - For Your Sake

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Various flowers and grasses, dyed in autumnal colors, are spread throughout the interior of the massive atrium. A serene calm fills the garden as soft winds tickle the flora. Sweet aromas spiral alongside the petals as they dance around in the breeze. Thirteen pavilions occupy a fraction of the courtyard, one at the center, and twelve forming a circle around it. The outer pavilions are perfectly distanced between themselves, the central pavilion, and the walls.

The pavilions all have twelve wooden pillars that grow up from the ground and merge together creating a lowered, dome roof with a smooth surface. Each pillar consists of several branches that weave through one another. Halfway up the dome surface, twelve more branches extend and merge forming a second, smaller, spherical dome. Above the central pavilion-dome is a glowing white sphere that hovers in place, while the outer pavilions each have a different colored sphere floating above.

A shrine resides within each of the outer pavilions. At the center of each shrine, is another large, glowing sphere. The orbs above and within each pavilion are the same color, while each shrine radiates a different color as energy shifts and sways within.

Dozens of large, egg-like flower buds, each sitting on an individual cushion, lay beneath the pavilions. The buds vary in shape, design, and size, with similarly shaped and designed buds grouped together. Resting under the central pavilion are five buds, all positioned so close together that they are almost touching. Four of them look almost identical, except for their size. The air around the smallest among these four is frigid and the bud itself is cold to the touch.

I reach my hand out and place it against the cold exterior of the bud. Why are you so cold? I frown and whisper, "You're not even born and I'm already worried about you."

"You talking to the kids again?" a woman inquires from behind.

I turn my head, still maintaining contact with the bud, and ask, "What do you want Novaraine?"

She sighs, placing her chin in her hand. "I told you to call me Nova," she states, her modulated voice perfectly clear.

"You're not my mom," I snap, "Now answer my question."

"You should learn to be nicer," Novaraine rebukes, placing a hand on her hip, "Otherwise they won't like you very much."

I pull my hand from the bud and face Novaraine. She has a soft, rectangular face, with low cheekbones. Her round, indigo eyes are close together, while straight eyebrows with a slight curve at the end rest above them. Dark blue hair flows from her head but stops just above her shoulders. She has long lashes that caress her flawless, fair skin. Small round lips lay beneath her little, straight nose. She has a modest physique and thin limbs, yet an intimidating aura. She is wearing a dark-blue vest, a white undershirt, and clean, brown pants.

"Whether they like me or not doesn't matter," I state, "And you're still avoiding my question."

"I'm not avoiding it," Novaraine responds, "Just delaying my answer."

"Look," I sigh, placing my hand over my face, "I'm sure you're busy, so if you have nothing important to say, then you should get back to work."

"Might I remind you," Novaraine hisses, "My job is to watch you and the kids." She takes a breath before exhaling heavily, "Verger Murz wants to gather everyone for a meeting."

"What for?"

"We got a messenger from Elrora about the current status of Āāthel."

"Fine," I bitterly remark, glancing back at the icy bud. I'll be back in a bit. As I direct my attention toward Novaraine, I see her smirking, and ask, "What?"

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