Chapter 6 - Helping

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Through the transparent window, a myriad of colors swirl through the air as the autumn-dyed leaves fall from the trees. The wind whisks away the colorful yellow, orange, and red leaves, carrying them from their homes and scattering them over the land. The forest, once bright and filled with vibrant green foliage, is now preparing for another week of winter.

"Ugh," I groan, "Why does winter have to come so soon?"

"Would you stop complaining?" Revus retorts, "It's not that cold."

"Easy for you to say," I reply, pouting, "I'm always freezing, and it's especially bad during winter."

"Fine, cold or not, I don't have time for this," Revus sighs, "Now, do you want to join me or not?"

I lower my head and place my cheek on the table where I have spent the last few hours reviewing. Stay here and keep doing this or go outside where it's colder and help Revus... "Honestly," I mope, "neither sound appealing."

"If you're not coming," Revus says as he turns toward the door, "then I'm leaving."

"Ugh! Fine," I bellow, "I'll go." I stand up from the chair, and stretch my limbs.

"You don't have to come, you know," Revus remarks, turning back toward me, "I've been doing this for years by myself."

"Yes, but even though you're capable of doing so," I state as I put my hands on my hips, "I want to help when I can, even if it's something small like this."

"Do as you like," Revus shrugs. He points at me, staring intensely, and barks, "but while we're out, you listen to me and don't go off on your own."

I wave my hand dismissively, "Yeah yeah. I know." I'd rather not fly into another spider web... A shiver creeps through my body.

"Just because you know, doesn't mean you listen though," Revus exhales, "Sometimes... Nevermind."

My gaze flashes to him and my eyes narrow. "Please, finish that sentence," I hiss, "I'd love to know how it ends."

"Stop being a pain," Revus sighs, "We have to get enough food to last us until winter's over, and we're already running late."

"I'm sorry," I groan, and turn to him and smile, "but someone kept lecturing me this morning."

Revus opens the front door and walks out. As I follow behind him, he replies, "I wouldn't need to lecture you if you just studied the material properly."

The soft glow of the late-afternoon sun paints the forest in a fiery mixture of colors. The brisk wind sends a chill throughout my body as Revus and I both manifest our wings, and rise into the air.

"I've been doing this every day for almost two months now," I complain, "It's exhausting, boring-" and annoying dealing with you.

"Oh, now you're not going to finish your sentence?" Revus inquires.

"You're annoying," I humph.

"Annoying, am I?" Revus questions, "Well, I guess that makes two of us."

Silence falls over us for a brief period as I angrily stare ahead at the infuriating fairy. The only sound is of our wings and the wind rustling through the woods. I watch the colorful leaves dance through the air and glance at his black wings, a stark contrast to the autumnal landscape we are in. I roll my eyes and look down, "Tch."

I fly up next to Revus and ask, "So, what're we going to get?"

Revus looks over at me, "What would you like to eat this winter?"

"Mhm... Something to warm me up," I answer.

Revus shakes his head and sighs, "Is it really that cold for you?"

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