Chapter 18 - Sleeping Gracefully

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Mmm... So soft. I roll onto my side, extend my arms and, as I pull them back, grab an armful of the pillowy material. Feels nice... I pause for a moment, place a hand near my head, and press into the spongy headrest. My pillow wasn't this soft. I open my eyes and see that I am sinking into a white cushion. I stare at the spotless bedding and slowly sit up.

I lazily turn my head as I look around. The fluffy, white landscape I am sitting on extends as far as I can see, while, overhead, is a vast plane of more white. Well this is new...

"Where am I now?" I mumble as I lay back down, the cozy comfort embracing me. Wherever this is... I close my eyes and sigh pleasantly. ...I like it. I lay there for a while enjoying a luxurious calm, before eventually opening my eyes. I should probably get up before I fall back asleep. I sit up again, sigh, then stand up.

Seriously though, where am I? Scanning the environment, nothing is visible save the white fluff. It's oddly quiet too... "Hello?" I holler, cupping my hands around my mouth. My voice almost instantly disappears into the nothingness that surrounds me. Doesn't seem like anyone is here...

I take a step forward and feel my foot press into the pillowy ground. Looking down, I notice that I am wearing a simple, white dress, while comfortable shoes adorn my feet. I sigh. At least I don't have to worry about someone seeing me naked if I find somebody.

I look up and examine the horizon. Everything looks the same. "Hmm..." Well, it's not like I'm going to get anything done just standing here. Just... Need to be careful since Revus and Faraine don't seem to be here. I start walking forward.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I shout as I traverse over the cushiony floor, "Can anyone hear me?" There has to be someone here right? Maybe not... But if not, then how did I get here? I freeze in place as my heart starts to race. Wait, did I die again? I place my hands on my head. No, please tell me this isn't the afterlife. I pause and glance up. If this is my second time dying then would this be my after-afterlife?

I shake my head and continue my walk through the endless white plane. There's really nothing here except me... I stop for a moment as my feet gently press into the fluff beneath me. ...Well, me and this stuff. I bend down, reach my arm out, and press my hand into it. Soft. I smile as I close my eyes. Opening them, I retract my hand and watch as the fluff expands back into its original position.

I giggle as I start to repeatedly poke the fluff and watch it return to normal. I look down and see the indent from where I am standing. I wonder. I stand up and jump from one spot to another and, immediately turning around, watch as the fluff rises. "Hmhm."

I start to jump backwards, going from here to there, ogling the fluff. "Ah!" I shriek as I trip backwards and fall into the pillowy landscape. "Pfft," I laugh as I gradually sink into the ground. Well, it's fun to play with, but what is this stuff? It's fluffy, warm, and kind of bouncy too. I place my hand against the fluff, grip it, and, without any resistance, pull a clump of white fluff from the ground.

That was... Surprisingly easy. I sit up and examine the tuft of fluff, my eyes bouncing from it, to the hole that now resides where the clump once occupied. So it's not connected... I poke the misshapen ball and stare at it, but stop and tilt my head. Why isn't it going back to normal? I look at the hand-sized hole, then back to the small indent where I poked it. Is it because I removed it?

I put the clump back in its original spot and it slowly, but seamlessly merges back into place. "Phew," I sigh lightly. Well, at least I didn't ruin it. I look to another spot, grab another clump of fluff, and pull it from the ground. Since it'll go back... I smile, cup my hands, and press them around the fluffy ball. Now...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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