Chapter 7 - Wings

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"Alright, we're done for today," Revus states as he contently hands me the rough, brown papers. I take them from his hand and notice a perfect score on top of it.

"Finally!" I holler as I slump back into my chair at the dining table, "With this, I'm done..."

"Took longer than I would've liked, but congrats on finally passing."

I roll my eyes, then eagerly ask, "So you'll give me the elements now?"

"Yes yes," Revus confirms, "We'll start our lessons whenever you're ready."

"Yes!" I shout as I clench my fists and raise them into the air. I burst from my chair, run around the table to Revus, and hug him. "Thank you thank you thank you."

He chuckles lightly as he embraces me, "I didn't do anything, you're the one that put the effort into learning the basics."

I pull away from Revus, look at him, and retort, "Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to do that without you teaching me," I smile, "So, thank you."

"First," Revus holds out his index finger, "you haven't obtained the elements, merely earned my approval to receive them." He raises a second finger, "Second, now that you'll be obtaining the elements, things are going to become much more difficult." He raises a third finger and smirks, "Third, you're not saying 'sleep you' anymore?"

I grin, "I still am, but I figured, at least for now, I'd properly thank you for helping me."

Revus looks away and scratches the back of his head, "Sure, it's not that big of a deal."

"Maybe not to you," I state, "but I've wanted to use the axioms..." I pause for a moment, "for a long time."

"Alright," Revus says as he claps his hands, "Let's not get too emotional."

I faintly smile, "Can we start right away?"

"Like I said before, whenever you're ready."

"Then let's head outside!" I joyfully bellow as I turn around.

Revus puts his hand on my shoulder and grips tightly. Dang it. I was hoping he'd ignore it. "Inside," he hisses.

I sigh, turn to face him, and ask, "Can't we go outside just this once?"

"No," Revus sharply refuses.

"Please," I complain, "I've been in here for weeks now. I haven't even-"

"If you don't want to practice inside," Revus proclaims, "then we just won't practice at all."

I puff my cheeks out and pout, "Jerk." I sigh, droop my arms down, and hunch over, "Fine, we'll stay inside then."

"Good, then go sit on your bed," Revus orders as he stands up.

I look back at the window and see the green foliage blowing in the wind under the bright light of the sun. I want to fly outside too... I sigh, face my bed, and walk over to it. I climb onto my bed, and prop myself up by placing my arms behind me. Okay, I'll ask him about it today.

"Alright, the first step in receiving the elements is..." Revus trails off as he looks at me.

"What?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow.

"What's the first step?" he asks.

"Are you serious?" I bark, "I just took a test on this, so can't you just show me how to grace my soul?"

"Fine," Revus sighs, "We'll go through each step as you get there."

"That's fine by me," I state, "but how do I gather my spīīr?"

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