Chapter 10 - Face to Face

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"Alright, next," Revus says, flying through the air next to me.

"Enough!" I shout.

Revus heaves a sigh, "Would you get over it already."

"No," I bellow as I glare at him, "Why do we need to have lessons while we're flying?" I flail my arms angrily, "Flying is boring enough already." Revus grinds his index fingers into his temples while muttering quietly under his breath. Don't get mad at me. You're making this trip worse than it already is.

I slump as I fly over the damp, sloped landscape that is covered in wet, yellow-orange leaves. The morning sun pokes through scattered rain clouds. The land whispers as a brisk wind washes over the color-saturated mountains. The morning fauna scurry about in preparation for the coming winter.

I glance over, see Revus staring intensely at me, and bark, "What?"

Revus blinks and sighs, "This is-"

"The best use of our time," I interject, "I know. You've told me a hundred times already."

"If you know then why do you keep-"

"Because it's been the same thing day after day," I state, "Can't we do something fun for once."

"Fun," Revus mutters blankly.

"Yeah, fun," I reply, "You know how to have fun, right, mister best-use-of-our-time."

"Evetta, this isn't the time for fun," Revus argues, raising his voice, "We don't know when we'll encounter-"

"I know!" I interrupt dejectedly, "...I just..." I sigh as I look up toward the cloud-ridden sky.

"What's wrong?" Revus inquires.

"I'm just tired of doing the same thing everyday," I mope, "We fly all day long and have lessons while we're flying." Revus goes to say something but closes his mouth. I continue, "When I ask you about anything, you don't answer me or just abruptly change the topic. At night, I review or try to grace my soul."

"I'm sorry but-"

"I don't want your apology," I cut in, "Just... nevermind." I fly ahead, slightly increasing my pace. I know he's just doing his job, but can't we take a break. Spend the day doing something other than just flying and lessons. My vision starts to blur as tears fill my eyes. And I'm starting to cry again... I wipe my eyes. Stupid emotions.

Revus flies up next to me and says, "Follow me." He speeds ahead for a moment, before turning to add, "Tell me if you need to take a break." He flies ahead while I stay behind him. We continue flying through the maze of trees and stone that covers the mountains for almost two hours, with neither of us so much as uttering a word to one another.

Revus slows down, turns around, and, as he matches my pace, asks, "You need a break?"

"No," I shake my head, "I'm good."

"Evetta..." Revus pauses, closes his mouth, and exhales through his nose. Is it still bothering him?

"You don't have to apologize."

"I wish we weren't in this situation," Revus mutters, "but until we're safe, we need to keep moving."

"I know," I smile halfheartedly, "I'm sorry for getting mad earlier. You're just doing your job."

Revus chuckles, "So... you want to continue our lesson from earlier?" I stare at him dumbfoundedly, my mouth slightly agape. "I'm joking," Revus laughs, "Thought it might be funny."

I look away from him, "Why must your fun always involve teasing me though?"

"Because you're easy to tease," Revus chuckles.

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