Chapter 12 - My Promise

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[Revus POV]

A cool autumn breeze blows through the rough woodlands. Golden leaves are carried from trees and land atop the wet, mountainous hills. The sun rests in the full blue sky near its peak and is veiled behind scattered clouds. The land is full of life and soft-sound as many wild animals roam free. The sound of insects and birds reverberate through the almost tranquil region. A lone cabin, isolated and out-of-place within the wild domain, disrupts the natural world. Harsh tones and rude words echo from within as large people begin to argue with one another.

I prop myself up on my right leg and lean against the window. "Tss," I hiss in pain as I glance down at my missing leg. I was too hesitant... and now I'm going to have to hear Evetta's complaints for aeth knows how long. I sigh, peer through the window, and watch the sudden shift from the people inside the cabin. These enōōfen are kind of slow to react... but they're panic seems to have dissipated, so it's passable I guess...

"Gordan, Petra!" a black haired man with a thick beard shouts in Parazic, "Grab our gear." Immediately following, two young adults with brown hair rush into a corridor within the building. The bearded man turns around and, as he waves his arm in a commanding fashion, continues, "Damir, deal with the bird."

"On it," an elderly man with a slender, gray ponytail replies, and carries the scorched besāād down the same hallway. The bearded one appears to be their leader...

The bearded man turns to the elves and orders, "Rhys, you watch the fairies." He turns to the other and continues, "Ryul, you're with me."

"Alright, let's catch us another one," an elven man with long hair joyfully answers before rushing out of the building.

"Ivan-" the second elf, with short brushed back blonde hair, starts to speak toward the bearded man.

"Rhys," Ivan faces him and glares menacingly, "Don't even think about letting our money go." He grins with horrific, yellow teeth, "Otherwise... Well, let's just say, accidents can happen out here." His smile shifts back to a glare. "Now make sure nothing happens to them, or..." Ivan smirks at the elf, then turns and walks out the door.

Can these enōōfen be any worse? Not only capturing fairies, but also threatening their own kind... I sigh. I need to make sure they stop chasing us today... I look up at the sky. ...Without killing them though... I heave an exaggerated sigh. ...Stupid rules. I lower my gaze and focus on Evetta and the jar she is in. Now, before I deal with them, I need to get her out of there. Once she's safe I'll have a bit of fun with these enōōfen. "Hmm." Since my goal is getting Evetta out, then I need to lure the rest of them out first.

The two brown haired humans rush through the building carrying armfuls of gear and tools and head outside.

Well, that leaves two... I could start a fire but... there's too many variables and that could lead to excess collateral damage. I could just capture them but... they could do something to Evetta while I'm capturing them... No, I need something else... I could capture the elf inside first. From there, I could freeze the front doors, windows, and corridor. While the building is frozen, the enōōfen won't be able to enter. I can break the jar, make an opening in the wall and we can leave from there... After she's out, I'll lead her somewhere safe and seal it. Then I can come back to deal with things here... Yeah. Let's go with that.

I push away from the window, rise into the air, and stretch my arms. I'm going to be sore tomorrow...

"Check over there," Ivan's voice echoes, "Our money could already be here so make sure to search thoroughly."

"Yes sir," a woman answers. Looks like it's time to leave.

I ascend to the top of the building and scan the surroundings. The enōōfen are spread out, searching the skies and inspecting areas around the building. They seem pretty... I furrow my brow. Inexperienced? Well whatever, I'll use this as my chance to head inside.

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