Chapter 2 - New Words

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I stare at Revus and lose focus as I slowly bring my hands to my head. Why? I can remember everything else. My life in Svelta. My siblings, my parents, my co-workers. What I did on a daily basis, my experiences growing up. My heart races and an uncomfortable sweat builds on my body as I panic. So why can't I remember my name!? It's... It's... gone?

Suddenly I feel a hand on my head. I flinch as I look up and see Revus with a warm smile on his face. He then pulls his hand away from me and makes a yellow sphere around me. What is this? I tilt my head at him in confusion. He makes a bitter smile, removes the barrier, and kneels down to my height. As Revus wraps his arms around me and pulls me in tightly, he whispers something into my ear. Even though we cannot understand one another, the kindness present in his voice, and actions, convey the meaning of his words.

I whimper a soft, "Thank you," as tears fill my eyes and I bury my face into his shoulder.

I continue to cry as Revus holds me for several moments, but eventually I calm down. I stare at the wooden surface of the table, still in a daze. I hear Revus get up and walk away. I turn toward him to see what he is doing and watch as he pulls out two wooden sticks from among the drawers in the wooden cabinets lining the walls. What's he grabbing?

Both are similar in design, having a long, flat structure that fits within his hand. The difference between the two is that one has a smooth, cupped end, while the other has three thin prongs at the tip. It looks like tableware.

"Evetta," Revus calls with a wave of his hand. I stare at him for a second. "Evetta," he repeats, raising an eyebrow. Evetta... Right, I guess that's my name... I sluggishly slide out of the chair, and trudge toward him. Once in front of the dark-haired man, he kneels down and pokes me in the forehead with the cupped utensil.

"Ow," I reflexively complain as I place a hand on my forehead.

He holds up the small weapon, and says a word in his strange language, "Hurēē." Is that how he says spoon?

I stare at him, blinking a couple of times. Okay... I think I see what's going on here. "Hu-rry?" I reply, trying to mimic his pronunciation.

Revus jabs my forehead with the spoon again. I attempt to swat the tool away, but he moves too quickly for me to react in time. He smirks and repeats, "Hurēē," while holding up the cupped utensil.

I sigh, and try to pronounce the word for the cupped utensil in his language, "Hury."

Revus pokes my forehead again and says, "Zōōd." Another new one...

"Hu-rēē," Revus states slowly, enunciating each syllable.

"H-huree," I whisper, trying not to say it wrong.

Revus cups his ear and pokes my forehead again. He glares at me, and whispers, "Hurēē," while making an annoyed face. He then almost yells, "Hurēē!"

That's what I said! I humph from my nose, irritated by his actions. I said it right, why're you getting so mad?

He jabs my forehead once more and points to the spoon while we stare daggers at each other.

"Hurēē!" I yell as I lift my leg and stomp on his foot.

Revus turns his head, exhales, faces me again, and then holds up the other utensil he took from the counter, "Vorēē."

"Vohry," I answer as confidently as possible, but, upon seeing Revus' displeased face, place one of my hands over my forehead. I use the other to hold my blanket up.

Revus sighs, biting his lip. "Vo-rēē," he says, a bit slower this time.

"Uh..." I avert my eyes, grip my fur blanket tighter, and answer, "Vari."

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